Friday, May 29, 2009

Trying to quit smoking? Try KAOS.

KAOS is a cigarette, but it isn�t. It�s small and tube-shaped, with two-tone color and a glowing tip. It delivers pleasure and a gentle nicotine kick. But it�s not a cigarette. No tobacco. No burning smell. No carcinogens, tar or carbon monoxide. No smoker�s cough or other harmful effects. How? It�s electronic. KAOS is the sophisticated state-of-the-art of the tobacco alternative. Using micro-electronic technology, KAOS delivers nicotine in a smoke-like vapor, for an experience that looks, feels and even tastes like a tobacco cigarette.

Hard to believe? That's what I'm thinking... but some of the testimonials are promising. There's a video on the homepage that shows you what the kit looks like, as well as highlights some other info. Could this be the key to quitting smoking?

What's in your carry on?

I really don't like to fly. Not necessarily because of the act itself, but more because of how I feel when I do so. The icky cabin full of germs and terrible smelling air, the pressure in my head and ears, the disgusting bathroom. However, I've done my fair share of flying and I've developed a pretty good packing list for my carry on. My must have list includes:
  • L'Occitane travel shea hand cream and Dove sensitive skin face lotion. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! It's probably the second best thing to do on a plane next to drinking LOTS of water, not only to keep me well hydrated, but to also force me to get out of my seat and stretch my legs.
  • Burt's Bees chapstick is always always always in my purse. I don't go anywhere without it.
  • Bliss Tidy Towel is ideal, really. I refuse to wash my face with the water in the restrooms and this face wipe is refreshing and instantly makes me feel clean. Unfortunately, I think Bliss discontinued this product, which completely bums me out.
  • Evian Travel Trio is perfect for giving me a quick ahhhh boost. I spray it on my face and neck.
  • Redo Freshen-Up Mist for Hair & Skin To Go is probably one of the greatest things ever created. It's amazing how this product immediately makes my hair feel cleaner, and it smells super fresh.
  • GO SMiLE Jet Set Kit is perfect for a quick brush that leaves my teeth bright and minty fresh.
  • I apply Masaki/Masaki Rollerball behind my ears and to my wrists right before landing, which makes me smell like I haven't been sitting on a plane for the past X hours. I also dab Smashbox O-Glow to my cheeks for an instant glow.
  • Lastly, I apply some Lip Venom to my lips for instant plumping and sheer look.
Also in my carry on: iPhone and headphones, a book, a few magazines, a notebook, pencil, a scarf, a few Celestial Seasonings mint tea bags, gum, a few snack bags of almonds and cashews, Southbeach Diet snack bars, Aleve, my jewelry, and my camera (if I'm bringing it).

A baseball.... dance off??

Yes. A college baseball dance off. Apparently, USF and UCONN felt like competing even during the five hour game delay on May 21st of this year.

Celebrity Baby Names

The latest crazy name given to some poor infant in Hollywood: Bandit Lee Way.

Bandit joins a brood of very colorful and somewhat ridiculous celebrity children names:

Lyric Chanel
Pilot Inspektor

Fifi Trixibelle



Sage Moonblood


Memphis Eve

Prince Michael II / Blanket

Blue Angel

Audio Science

Moon Unit

Diva Thin Muffin

Moxie Crimefighter

Tu (the last name is Murrow)


Sailor Lee

Peaches Honeyblossom

Little Pixie


Spec Wildhorse

Daisy Boo


I think my favorite is Diva Thin Muffin.

[Image via ABC News]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You should definitely get to know Bradley Cooper

He played a complete douchebag in Wedding Crashers, a cocky celebrity in Nip/Tuck, and an asshole that cheats on his wife in He's Just Not that into You. If he wasn't so damn sexy, I'd definitely hate him. Loathe him, probably. His new movie, The Hangover, looks chock full of shenanigans, but it's hard to decipher exactly what kind of character he plays.

What I've learned by Christopher Walken

Morning is the best time to see movies.

I remember once, years ago, I was walking out a door � I'd been having a conversation and I was walking out the door, and this guy said to me, "Chris," and I stopped and I turned, and he said, "Be careful." And I never forgot that. And it comes back to me often: Be careful. That was good advice.

That's supposed to be a fact, that the question mark is originally from an Egyptian hieroglyph that signified a cat walking away. You know, it's the tail. And that symbol meant � well, whatever it is when they're ignoring you.

When I was a kid, there was someone in my family, an adult, and whenever I saw them, they would say, "You got a lotta nerve." From the time I was a little kid, it was always like, "Heh, heh, heh � you got a lotta nerve." I always thought, What does that mean? But then when I got older, I thought that it was an instruction. If you tell a kid something, it sticks. I think I do have a lot of nerve. But, I mean, I think I maybe got it from that person who said it to me.

My father was a lesson. He had his own bakery, and it was closed one day a week, but he would go anyway. He did it because he really loved his bakery. It wasn't a job.

I used to love Danish. My father used to make a Boston cream pie. You never see that anymore. Very good.

Most of the jobs I get are basically very unwholesome people. There's always something wrong with the guy, and sometimes something deeply wrong. I'm tired of that. I tell my agent I want a Fred MacMurray part. I want a part where I have a wife and kids and a dog and a house, and my kids say to me, "What do you think I should do, Dad?" and I say, "Be careful."

I always figured that if I'm gonna be playing these people, that there should be this relationship to the audience that is very clear. "That's Chris, and look at Chris having a good time, wanting to take over the world and sink California and shoot everybody in the room" � just so long as they understand that that's Chris on the set having fun. And that Chris wouldn't really do anything like that.

Golf. My God, that's a mysterious occupation. I know people who are � good friends � who are absolutely smitten, practicing their swing and talking about it. I can understand some sort of sport where your body got a benefit, like marathon running or bicycle racing. That's not golf. And not only that, but the whole business of standing in the sun � my God. That's like torture.

I love spaghetti. And I like to cook spaghetti. And I used to eat it every day. I weighed thirty pounds more than I do now. You can't � you can't do that. Ice cream � I love to watch television and eat ice cream. But that's like a ten-year-old. I can't do that anymore. Beer. Beer, spaghetti, ice cream.

Professional dancers don't go dancing.

When you're onstage and you know you're bombing, that's very, very scary. Because you know you gotta keep going � you're bombing, but you can't stop. And you know that half an hour from now, you're still gonna be bombing. It takes a thick skin.

I had an agent
when I first got into the movies who said to me, "You're gonna be in Los Angeles now once in a while. If somebody invites you to a party, don't go. Stay in your room, go to the movies." And I have a feeling I know sort of what he meant: Don't show your face around too much. Let 'em be a little glad to see you.

It all happened when I did The Deer Hunter. Suddenly � I'd already been in show business for thirty years, and nothing much had happened. I mean, I really was laboring in obscurity, and then suddenly this movie. It was kind of infectious, and I really did become rather social. Gregarious. And that lasted, I don't know, ten years.

Movie scripts are usually pretty loose � things usually change a lot. But not with Quentin. His scripts are absolutely huge. All dialogue. It's all written down. You just learn the lines. It's more like a play.

Sometimes I look at this watch and I think, There's some guy that puts these little screws in there? There is something about it. I'm not into cars, either, but there is something about a really magnificent car.

Me and Dennis [Hopper], when we were doing that scene in True Romance, it was hilarious. It really was � including shooting him. All that laughing was real. He was killing me. And all the guys around us � that was a very cracking-up day.

I like to listen to radio interviews. I got a list of things that if I wasn't so lazy, I would do something about, but the idea of having a radio show � two people talking on the radio is fascinating. I'll bet you there's some college around here � they all have radio stations. I get now that I don't like to go anywhere, so if there was some place down the road � twenty minutes' drive.

I don't like zoos. Awful.

They say that the human smile is in fact one of those primordial things � that in fact it's a showing of teeth, that it's a warning. That when we smile, in a primeval way it has to do with fear.

There's something dangerous about what's funny. Jarring and disconcerting. There is a connection between funny and scary.

[Images via Lupus Ranting and Living in London; What I've learned via Esquire Magazine]

Formally known as the fat kid in Stand by Me

And, now mostly known for being married to Rebecca Romijn. But, seriously, he's wearing those abs well. And kudos to him for being brave enough to wear a bikini bottom.

[Image via Splash News]

The end of the world as we know it

So, apparently Hulk Hogan's tranny daughter Brooke Hogan has a new album coming out and this - THIS - is the album cover. Wait... What? Really, Brooke Hogan? Is she truly comparing herself to an angel? A very very tan angel? I don't think angels are tan because that implies, well, that they've been vacationing in hell. Wait. Never mind.

I think her brother painted this while in jail. Y'know, they do have this weird Angelina Jolie - James Haven sibling thing going on, minus the whole making out part. Well, they very well could've made out, but that just hasn't been caught on film yet. Anyway, he was probably wishing for her to grow wings and fly into his cell so they could cuddle while talking about how everyone is out to get them and their family, you know, instead of him wishing he could grow wings and get the hell out of prison. (NOTE to the Hogan family: if you're upset about your current state of affairs, don't do a fricking reality show. Or, maybe, just pump the brakes a bit on the trashiness.)

Cam graces the June cover of Vogue

I'm not normally a Cameron Diaz fan, but I have to admit she does look quite pretty. I could never pull off the all white look, but she certainly does a fantastic job at looking fantastic. My favorite part of this cover is the "NEW! Fashion Steal of the Month" in the upper left corner. Coming from Vogue, I'm going to say it's probably a belt that costs $400.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hate flossing? Then try out Breakfast Floss!

I'm not so sure about this, but maybe someone will like this idea: Who needs breakfast when you've got Breakfast Floss? Start off your day by using the coffee flavor on your lower teeth, then switch over to the waffle and bacon flavors for your uppers. Quite possibly the most delicious way to keep yourself out of the dentists chair.

There's also Cupcake Floss, Pop Secret Lip Balm, and Skipping is Gay air freshner. And everyone in corporate America should have an Anti-Theft Lunch Bag.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Party People

The summer is all about being outside. And, I love entertaining, especially on my patio. I love having a friends over, grilling up something delicious on the grill, and having a few refreshing cocktails. And, where there's a party, there should definitely be party people. They attach easily via suction to any smooth surface and for $8.99 for 12, you really can't beat the price.

Don't forget about the party plates, too. These tapas plates are the most clever entertaining plates that I've ever seen. They fit perfectly on top of a wine glass, which means you'll always have one hand free to munch, open doors, gesture wildly, play badminton, or whatever. $14 for a set of four.

Fatboy Outdoors

No, I'm not telling you what I'm seeing out my window. However, I wouldn't mind seeing one of these Fatboys in my backyard. Designer Jukka Set�l� from Finland designed the Fatboy as the beanbag for the 21st Century. They are larger, more comfortable, and much classier than its earlier sibling. And, perfect for outdoor lounging. Fatboy products have a PVC coating to make them water resistant, stain resistant (perfect for me and all my sangria spills) and easy to clean. The Fatboy is filled with virgin polystyrene beads to allow for the ultimate lounging experience.

For a limited time, One Kings Lane is offering a major discount on these Fatboys. Normally $349, you can get one for $219. They come in a myriad of colors, too.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sharpen your claws... Cougar Town is coming

Courtney Cox's new sitcom, Cougar Town, will be airing this fall on ABC, and I'm not so sure about this one. Can she do anything without being Monica?? I mean, watching this clip, it's all Monica. And, not very funny. But, maybe it's just me. I mean, I'm not a cougar nor do I live in a posh neighborhood infested with really hot young guys in CA. I actually live in a neighborhood (for three years now) where everyone is snotty and we know no one. The only person nice to us is an older guy named Dwayne that snowblows our driveway. And no, that's not slang for something sexual.

Romper 101

I don't know who this chick is, but what I do know is that she is breaking rule #15 and #1,243 in Romper 101. #15: don't wear a romper. #1,243: don't wear a romper. She's lacking some serious coverage on her upper half and needs to tweak the fit on her lower half (I'm not going to say it, but she's sporting something that rhymes with scamel ho).

[Image via Go Fug Yourself]

Oh, no.

Apparently Jennifer Love Hewitt (known to her friends and family simply as "Love") is working on a country album. Seriously? Don't we already have enough actresses trying their hand at making music and doing a terrible job?? Maybe she'll shock us and actually be good at it... Oh, wait. She's already tried to launch a singing career. But, what became of that album?? Hmmm.... If you're interested in buying your very own copy of Love's 2002 Barenaked album, Amazon has, oh, 50 or so copies for $2 or less.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Life is Precious

I almost didn't watch this trailer because Mariah Carey is in it, and I immediately thought: Glitter 2. But, the movie has, and is, getting huge kudos. So, I watched it. And, I cried. This is some tough material, and it looks really really good.

Stacy and Clinton are going to tackle Blossom

Remember Blossom? Oh, God, I loved that show. Guess what other show I love? What Not to Wear. Yes, I do. I love it. Stacy and Clinton are fantastically evil. And now, they're going to give Blossom, Mayim Bialik, a makeover. There aren't too many current pictures of her out there, but I found a somewhat recent one. I admit, the hair is a bit frumpy and the sweater paired with matching earrings and dogtags is a bit, well, ugly. But, she's said so herself, she's not into fashion and she really just likes to blend in.

[Image via]

What about Six? What about Jenna Von Oy? Like her old friend, she's appeared in a handful of TV series, but I don't think she's kept a lower profile than Blossom. I mean, you tell me. What do you think she's been up to? She's got "I've got a stripper pole in my bedroom" written all over her.

[Image via Hub Pages]

Don't make me hit ya with my pocketbook

Seriously, JHud, I like you, but this outfit is hid-e-ous! You should be flaunting those sexy curves, yet you choose to wear MC Hammah pants (with pleats!!!!!) and a pillowcase as a shirt. Really? Tsk Tsk. You got the pipes, girl, now can you please show us some fashion sense??

[Image via Splash News]

Dave Matthews starring in a new movie

Unlike some musicians who "try" to transition into acting and fail (not nearly as many as those actors who try to transition into music and fail *cough* Scarlett Johansson *cough* Lindsay Lohan), my friend Dave Matthews actually can act and he's pretty good at it, too. Before he began his singing career, he was actually an amateur actor and has gone on to appear in four feature films: Where the Red Fern Grows, Because of Winn-Dixie, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, and You Don't Mess with the Zohan (he and Adam Sandler are friends; DMB's "Where are You Going" was the feature song in the movie Mr. Deeds).

Mr. Matthews will be starring in
The Other Side, an indie comedy featuring Giovanni Ribisi, Woody Harrelson, Alanis Morissette, and, unfortunately, Lindsay Lohan. Directing the movie is no one I've ever heard of before, David Michaels, but one of the writers, Philip Reeves, is an actor who has most recently appeared on Parks and Recreation, Evan Almighty, Blades of Glory, and Six Feet Under. IMDB explains the plot as: An over-achieving science scholar tries to solve a bizarre mystery involving the residents of a remote island and ultimately discovers something she could have never predicted.

Hmmm, I'm not sure about this one. Maybe it's all a ploy to get Lindsay out on a remote island and then they all up and leave her there? Actually, I'd watch that movie. Yes, I would....

[Image via Rolling Stone]

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rihanna's new single, Silly Boy, featuring Lady Ga Ga

Click here to check it out:
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Crisped Leftover Pasta

When I normally cook pasta for me and Alf, I always cook too much and then have a bunch leftover. Then, I forget about the leftovers and inevitably have to throw them away. I found a great recipe that is perfect for all that leftover pasta and I cooked it last night. It wasn't bad... very spicy and super crunchy. Definitely need a fork and knife to eat it though.

Crisped Leftover Pasta

About 4 ounces cooked, unsauced spaghetti or fettuccine, cold
2 tsp olive oil
3 slices prosciutto or 2 slices bacon (I actually used 3 slices of veggie bacon)
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/4 c. grated Parmesan, plus more for serving
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/8 tsp black pepper

Let the pasta sit at room temperature until it becomes pliable, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the prosciutto or bacon and cook until crisp. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate. Drain off and discard all but 2 teaspoons of the drippings in the skillet. Sprinkle the red pepper flakes over the remaining drippings. Increase heat to medium-high. Add the pasta to the skillet and gently spread it out to form a large nest. Cook, without stirring, until the pasta begins to crisp and brown on the bottom, 4 to 5 minutes. Sprinkle with the Parmesan and prosciutto or bacon. Cook, still without stirring, for about 2 more minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Slide or invert the pasta onto a plate and sprinkle with additional Parmesan. Cut into wedges, if desired.

PETA is very clever

As controversial as they can be, they sure know how to get your attention. Like with their new ad. And, can I just say, whoa. This is Owain Yeoman, who plays Wayne Rigsby on The Mentalist (one of my favorite shows). I had no idea he had that hiding under his shirt.

[Image via Splash News]

Lock and Load and Shotgun

This was mentioned on Ellen this morning and I had to Google it because it will be perfect for our annual camping trip this fall. There are several members of said camping trip that enjoy shotgunning a few beers every now and then (not you, Em), and what better way to be prepared for that canon going off (sorry, the shotgunning ritual is prompted by a canon going off at random times throughout the weekend. Not our canon, but a canon on the campground. I know. Weird.), then with the Six Pack Holster in camo?!??! I mean, c'mon! Meg, they even have pink. I mean, seriously? This will go soooooooo well with that new engagement ring you just got.

Who knew?

I actually did know that Penelope Cruz had a sister, but who knew how stunning she was? Monica Cruz certainly resembles her big sis.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy birthday, my little peanut

Jones Dunton Day
May 13, 2003 - September 4, 2003

This will take me a while
Because I miss your smile
I guess I knew your time would come
But for now I miss your smile
It�s gonna take me a while

Thank you for the happiness
That you gave to our lives
Although now our hearts are cracked
And our tears are slow to dry
We must count ourselves
The lucky ones
For we were with you in your prime

And I�ll never lose your touch
No I�ll never lose touch

This will take me a while
Because I miss your smile
I guess I knew your time would come
But for now I miss your smile

Please stay in touch
Because I need you in my heart
Please stay in touch
I need your touch

Xavier Rudd

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How much do you pay for a haircut?

I pay a whopping $35 (before tip) for a haircut at my salon in Marblehead. I find it terribly difficult to find a good hair stylist and, for years after I moved to Boston from Portsmouth, I would drive north to have my stylist cut my hair (the free glass of wine w/each cut didn't hurt, either). But, just how much would you pay for a great cut? You might be shocked to hear what certain celebrities pay for a visit to their favorite stylist:

Katie Homes: $4,000*
Anne Hatheway: $950

Kate Hudson: $650

Jennifer Aniston: $600**
Amy Adams: $500

*Katie recently spent this much on extensions, which she only kept in her hair for less than a week

**Jennifer Aniston allegedly paid a "what recession?" $50,000 to get her locks lucious for the Marley & Me premiere in London. What do you think? Was it worth it?

[Image via Celeb Utopia]

All right, enough is enough

I'm not really sure what's supposed to be going on here, but I am sure that Jessica is pretending to ride an imaginary bull. Honestly, can she just retire the Daisy Duke shorts already??? The movie came out four years ago and it flopped. Kinda like Jessica's pop music, er, country music, no, wait, acting career. It's like the Sopranos: It's OVER!

[Image via Pacific Coast News]

Breaking news!

The Donald just announced that Miss California, Carrie Prejean, will NOT be de-boobed. Or de-crowned. She's giving a speech on CNN right now and is trying really hard to hold back those tears. And, seriously, this is NO JOKE, the Donald compared her to Obama. Our President. Who went to Columbia. And Harvard.

Miss Cali is having a hard time reading the script presented to her. Rehearse much? Good grief. This is painful.

[Image via The]

Monday, May 11, 2009

What's your summer drink?

Mine is red wine sangria... Probably one of the most delicious things ever created. The latest issue of Food Network Magazine highlights the 50 summer drinks for 2009. Are you a Real Man's Margarita man? Or a Tequila Paloma girl? Or maybe your a Bull's Eye Brew lad. No matter what your drink of choice, maybe you should experiment with some of these summer drinks and who knows, you might find a new favorite. All I know is that I'm going to get drunk trying all these out...

Here's my
Summer Sangria Recipe
  • LOTS of ice
  • 1 cup of pulp free OJ
  • 1 bottle of Yellow Tail Merlot / Cabernet mix (I found that this has the most flavor of the other cheap wines I've used, but feel free to use your own personal favorite)
  • 1 can of original Fresca
  • 1 cup of Bacardi O Rum (of course, you may add more depending how "strong" you like it)
  • Strawberries, black berries, raspberries, blue berries OR apples, green grapes, nectarines. (I found that if I add acidic fruit it takes away from the flavor, which is why I usually just go with berries and/or apples and nectarines.)

Bandolino Catchme

I love wearing flip flops. Maybe not as much as my friend Lauri (she wears them in the winter), but when the warm weather arrives, I'm all about flip flops. However, sometimes I definitely need a dressier flip flop (my flip flop of choice is a no name brand from Target that is super comfy, but not very stylish). The Bandolino Catchme sandal is just enough flip flop to peak my interest, and I'm digging the wooden accents. My only concern is with the thong irritating my skin, but for the price, I'm willing to take the risk.

Bandolino Catchme sandal available via Piperlime for $59.00

One of the last remaining Wizard of Oz Munchkins passes away

Mickey Carroll, who played the town crier of Munchkinland, marched as a "Munchkin Soldier," and was the candy-striped "Fiddler" who escorted Dorothy down the yellow brick road, passed away on Thursday. He was one of the last remaining Oz Munchkins still alive.

Carroll was one of 100 recruited to play munchkins and made a mere $125 a week. The Wizard of Oz was his only movie.

[Image via John Sleezer]

JT hit it

Friday, May 8, 2009

I can't believe it!

I'm so pissed that photogs snapped a picture of Rihanna in the outfit I JUST bought. This was my errand running outfit, but now, I can only wear it around the house. Thanks, RiRi.

[Image via Splash News]

Great Odin's Raven!

What in the world? I mean, what? That hair. The crazy eyes. The crazy smile. Tyra really does live in her own world. You go girl!

[Image via The New York Times.]

Drugs are bad

Reality slut Daisy De La Hoya, best known for showing Bret Michaels her talents on Rock of Love 2, suffered "delirium as a result of exhaustion" yesterday. So, that's what they're calling a crack binge these days. She apparently kicked the crap out of EMTs as they tried to put her in an ambulance, but is now "resting" at an LA hospital. By resting, I hope that means in a straight jacket and in a padded room under supervision. I mean, her biggest danger is herself: those lips could, at any moment, envelope the rest of her face and cause suffocation. However, I do think she could use a titch more makeup, don't you?

[Image via Getty]

Thursday, May 7, 2009

All I want to know is...

How is it that athletes *think* that they can still get away with using performance enhancing drugs?!?!??! I mean, really? The latest idiot to succumb to the steroid circus is Manny Ramirez. Welcome to Juice Nation.

It's pretty sad that steroid use has become synonymous with baseball.
A lot of fans blame the players, the commissioner, or the players union. And some guy thinks that the fans are to blame. Apparently, after the baseball strike of 1994 no one wanted to watch baseball anymore, so in order to get people watching again, that meant the athletes had to turn to steroids. Hmmmm. Really? I'm not buying it. What happened to practice makes perfect? What happened to hard work and maybe a few vitamins?

Today's society is all about enhancement. Whether it's by using botox to get rid of wrinkles, or getting a face lift, or taking a diet pill, or starving yourself to fit into that size 1 dress, we are obsessed with being the best. The best looking, the best dressed, the best performer, the best athlete. Yet, there are five year olds going on diets. There are 10 year old boys spending hours in the gym to bulk up like their favorite athlete. There are 15 year old girls dying from anorexia. There are teenage boys beating up other teenage boys that are scrawnier, or not as athletic, or not as popular as them. Where are these kids learning this behavior? I'm not saying we need to blame celebrities and musicians and athletes for all these issues. But, admit it. They are partially to blame. Partially.

I was an athlete growing up. I worked hard. I practiced. I pushed myself. I certainly wasn't the best, but I played with my heart, I pushed my limits, and I worked out. I hated the gym, but I went. I hated to run, but I ran. I got stronger. I got better. Of course my teammates and I uttered the word "perfect." Sure, we wanted to be the best. But, today's society is so infatuated with perfection; something that is not attainable no matter who you are. Are we pushing our kids to be what we couldn't? Or, to be who we wanted to be? What kind of world is it when parents are fighting parents over a touchdown pass?

For me, to see a professional athlete suspended for steroid use is disheartening. They get paid these amazing salaries to play a game they've been playing since they were children. A game they love (supposedly). Sometimes, I wonder if certain athletes are getting paid to play the game or to give a good performance (and I'm not talking about an athletic performance). Showboating, I like to call it. Remember how it felt when you were 11 and stepped up to that plate, the sun beating down on your shoulders, the crowd cheering your name. You could smell grass, dirt, and popcorn and it was the best smell in the world. Then, the pitch. Maybe you swing, maybe you don't. Maybe you hit it out of the park or maybe you hit a single. It didn't matter. You loved the game. You played because you loved it. I think a lot of sports are missing that love. They're missing what the game should be about. Not who's making the most money or swinging the hardest or pitching the hardest. Maybe the new slogan for sports should be: More love and less steroids.

matter what, using steroids is harmful to your body and it's cheating. CHEATING. What kind of athlete are you when you cheat to be that athlete? That doesn't make you an athlete. It makes you look like you can't be one. So, maybe you shouldn't.

The latest in ear fashion

This just looks dangerous. I don't wear earrings, but I know if I did, I wouldn't wear these.

[Image via WENN]

All I can say is.... holy crap.

I had the pleasure of seeing David Beckham in Berlin, Germany during the World Cup in 2006 (I was sitting on a rock wall waiting for my lost luggage to arrive and here he comes, swaggering down the sidewalk) and, yes, my mouth dropped (my gum may have even fallen out) and all I can say is thankfully I had sunglasses on. However, I think the drool was a dead giveaway that I was staring at him. So, the whole time he's walking by, yes, I'm imagining him with his shirt off (okay, so I was imagining him as he is in this pic) and hoping, no, praying that he doesn't open his mouth to say something to the guy walking with him. I love looking at David Beckham, but I don't necessarily love listening to him... his voice does NOT match his body. And oh my, what a body.

This pic is from last summer, but I stumbled upon it this afternoon and had to share... I think he's probably one of maybe three men that can actually pull off the speedo.

No Doubt is back in action

And, what I want to know is... why? I'm not sure if anyone caught their performance on American Idol last night, but all I have to say is I'd rather listen to Danny screeching Aerosmith. Maybe Gwen should take the Britney and Paula Abdul route and start lip-synching? It wasn't good. I'm sorry, Gwen, but it wasn't good. And we get it. You're just a girl and you're tough and can do push-ups (not girl push-ups) and you've got better abs than probably Ryan Seacrest. You're taller than Ryan Seacrest. But, maybe you should just dedicate your time and energy to being a hot Mom. Cause, I'm not sure about this singing thing anymore.

If you want to see for yourself, check out the performance here.

[Image via I Dream in Shades of Blue]

Wait. What?

"I know a lot of people who used to be gay; I don�t know anybody who used to be black."

- Miss California Carrie Prejean's preacher, pastor Miles McPherson says

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Super cute reusable sandwich bags

You know it's a slow week when you get reeeeeaaaally excited about reusable sandwich bags. These bags are made from 100% organic unbleached cotton and decorated with your choice animals. Super cool, cute, and very green. Available on Etsy from Bebeloosh.

Happy birthday, George!

George Clooney is celebrating his 48th birthday today. He sure has come along way from mullets and bad 80s sitcoms. (I don't think Roseanne was a bad 80s sitcom, but I think George definitely got the short end of the stick when he signed on for the role of Booker.)

Meet Chanel, the world's oldest canine

She's 21 years old and still going out on play dates. And she's rockin some pretty kick ass doggles. I'm thinking that if someone were to take those doggles off, she would either be asleep or her eyes would be saying "I'm too old to be dressed up like a frickin doll."

[Image via Splash News]

Good ol' fashion hockey

Those of you who knew me in high school may remember that I had a slight crush, okay, I was utterly infatuated with Byron Dafoe. He was the goalie for the Portland Pirates (an AHL team in Portland, Maine) and then went on to play for LA, Boston, and Atlanta. Anyway, I youtubed him and I found a few stellar highlights from his career with the Bruins.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rush...Rush out and buy Paula's new single

Abdul's new single, Here For the Music, will be available on for the next few weeks, with the full album releasing in the fall of 2009.

Hmmm... does anyone else detect a live performance by Ms. Paula on American Idol??

Another reason to not eat at McDonald's

Girl allegedly finds condom in �Happy Meal

Swiss cops investigate claim 7-year-old girl found condom in French fries.

Read the article

Well, this is something

In her first public appearance since all that bad stuff went down with her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown, Rihanna apparently decided this would be the perfect outfit to show everyone that she's okay.

But, nothing screams elegance like Madge. I mean, how you can you not take her seriously in this getup? Maybe she should wear this to her next court appearance in Malawi.

[Images via Splash News]

Monday, May 4, 2009

What are you NUTS?

This is completely crazy! The Sears Tower in Chicago has built glass ledges for those who aren't afraid of heights: "�these new glass enclosures that extend 4.3 feet beyond the side of the building. Beneath peoples� feet lies the sprawling Illinois city - 103 storeys, or 1,353 feet, below. Just an inch-and-a-half of glass separates the visitor from the street underneath. The attraction is due to open in June."

Would you dare? I'm not sure I could....

[Image via Splash News]