Thursday, May 7, 2009

No Doubt is back in action

And, what I want to know is... why? I'm not sure if anyone caught their performance on American Idol last night, but all I have to say is I'd rather listen to Danny screeching Aerosmith. Maybe Gwen should take the Britney and Paula Abdul route and start lip-synching? It wasn't good. I'm sorry, Gwen, but it wasn't good. And we get it. You're just a girl and you're tough and can do push-ups (not girl push-ups) and you've got better abs than probably Ryan Seacrest. You're taller than Ryan Seacrest. But, maybe you should just dedicate your time and energy to being a hot Mom. Cause, I'm not sure about this singing thing anymore.

If you want to see for yourself, check out the performance here.

[Image via I Dream in Shades of Blue]