Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swagger

What's surprising to me is I'm not all that distraught over Ke$ha's outfit (maybe the cane), but it's the guy standing behind her with that very suspect, and quite disgusting, facial hair on his chin.  What IS that???  Seriously, does this guy think that, paired with the shaved head, that the chin hair makes him look even more bad ass?  Like, there's no way anyone will eff with him or Ke$ha because it makes him look like he's just always growling.  Sorry, dude, but I'm going to say that the chin hair makes me want to eff with you even more than I normally would (and no, I wouldn't normally want to mess with this guy because I'm not the kind of person who walks around scrapping with strangers, although I still have a lot of scrapping years left).

One other thing: do you think that Lady GaGa is getting seriously annoyed by all these wannabes?  Or do you think that she's flattered because since she's come onto the scene, other weird definitely out there individuals have thought, "hey, if she can do it, well, so can I."  Madonna is probably pissed.  Gone are the days when people idolized her and wanted to be like a virgin.  Now we've got people running around dry humping cops,  not wearing any pants anywhere, and wanting to get hammered while swimming in a kiddie pool with an inflatable whale.  Wait a minute...that actually sounds a lot better than being a virgin.  And now I know what I'm doing this weekend.

[Image via Splash News]