Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Money cash hoes money cash chicks what

Does anyone else think Ke$ha looks like a young completely methed out Debbie Gibson? Because I do. Not only do I find her irritating as hell, especially considering that stupid Tik Tok song hit #1, but she can't carry on a conversation to save her life. She just sounds.... dumb. I read somewhere that she said she's a party girl because her Mom went into labor with her while partying. Wow. I'd like to now imagine that conversation:

Ke$ha: But, Mom, I just love to party! Y'know, crunk it up and get drizzunk with my girlies!

Mom: Oh, honey, you were born to party. I'm not surprised because I actually gave birth to you at one of the most stellar parties of 1995!

Ke$ha: nooooooooooooo way. You popped me out at a party?

Mom: *nodding excitedly* Yes! Oh, it was amazing. It was the night after high school graduation. Be My Lover by La Bouche was playing and a bunch of us were all dancing around acting silly. Your Dad was even there for a little while...

Ke$ha: were you high?

Mom: I sure was! I was high on you! Well, to be honest, I really didn't know I was pregnant and then boom! I peed my pants, but it wasn't pee, it was like pregnancy stuff. And then I was pushing and everyone gathered around me because they thought I was busting out a new dance move. They called it "Heavy Breathing with a hint of rage." It was all the craze for the rest of that night.

Ke$ha: wow, mom, that's like totally cool. So, how'd I get my name?

Mom: well, no one actually took me to the hospital for a few days, so in the mean time, we created our own little birth certificate out of poster board, glitter, and confetti. Oh, and some magazine clippings from Cosmo!! I still have it somewhere... Someone spelled your name using the Money Cash Hoes confetti.

Ke$ha: wow! I'm going to go write a song about this.