Thursday, July 2, 2009

Nightmare in Maryland, Part 2,436

Okay, I know I've said it before, but I'll continue to say it as long as people continue to dress like this.

This is what Ms. Simpson wore to a charity golf event in Maryland. I mean, sure, a charity golf event is casual, but that's the summer dress she had to wear? I would think that she has a friend or a family member (other than her father, who I'm pretty sure probably told her that her boobs, er, that she looked stunning in this getup) that would say, "um, yeah, that doesn't look so great. I'd change." Who in their right mind would tell her that this looked good?? I mean, other than Freddy Krueger? And those boobs! Holy goo. I'm not so sure she shouldn't be wearing a bra. I know for a fact that if my friend Jess (not Jess Simpson) were present after I'd put that dress on, along with the gold jewelry, she'd give me the stink eye. She would surely tell me that I looked either a.) pregnant or b.) fat. Too bad Jessica Simpson doesn't have a friend like my friend Jess.

[Images via WWTDD]