Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My top five movies

So, after a lengthy discussion over the holidays about our favorite movies (Alf and I both got a handful of DVDs for Christmas), I finally narrowed mine down to five, which was much harder than I thought it would be:

1. Last of the Mohicans
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. It's a Wonderful Live
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Wizard of Oz

Of course, there were many that were in the top five and then moved out at some point during my three day think (Se7en, Royal Tenenbaums, Christmas Vacation, Forrest Gump, Halloween (the original), Reservoir Dogs, Elf, and oh, and I can't forget nor am I afraid to admit Dirty Dancing).

IMDb has compiled a top 250 list, which was very ambitious of them.