Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A typical day for Miley Cyrus

Ashley Greene: Dahlink Miley!  So amazing to run into you in this water fountain in Paris!  Come here and give us a kiss!

Miley Cyrus: Ash!  Oh! Em! Gee!  I love your pet bird!  Oh, wait!  That's like totally my hand with my sweater like wrapped around it. Duh!

Random white guy: Holy shit, you girls should kiss!  Here, let me help you, Ashley.  There you go, just lean in, now put your hand on the back of Miley's head and just guide her in...

Randon black guy: Dude, stop forcing it.  It has to happen naturally.  And, thanks for looking so gay because this twosome may just become a threesome.

Ashley: Miley, you look so cute I could just eat you!

Miley: I'm so wet!  I think we should totally, like, take our clothes off and like, run through this fountain!

Random white guy: Hey, I'm not gay.  You're gay. 

Random black guy: Your mother's gay. 

Ashley and Miley (in unison): WE LOVE PARIS!!!!  Eeeeeeeeeee!

[Image via the Daily Fix]