Thursday, July 29, 2010

This is not the paradise that David Lee Roth sang about. Oh, wait...

Would you have guessed that this pic was of a book launch?  No?  Yeah, me either.  It looks like a pic of some trallop showcasing her very fake boobies while also showcasing the fact that she can attract gay men.  I mean, those boobies are RIDICULOUS.  And her swimsuit slogan / book name is all wrong.  Paradise?  No, that's more like a villa in Italy on a vineyard with a lake view and all you can eat olive oil, bread, and cheese.  Katie Price is far from paradise.  A few things spring to mind: STD Vessel, Tranny Mess, and possibly Tits MaGee.  But, certainly not Paradise. 

Do you notice how both of those guys are avoiding looking at the camera?  They're obviously embarassed.  Do you think they'll put this on their resume / in their portfolio?  And if so, how do you think they'll phrase it?  Book launch babe?  I'm sure some people would read that and laugh, because, we all know models don't read.  What do you think they're looking at?  Maybe someone has a platter of hot dogs?  Or, maybe they just got sight of Katie Price's crossdressing boyfriend?  I think it's safe to say that this book will NOT be the most sizzling novel of the summer.  That is, of course, unless you use it to start your campfire.

[Image via Splash News]