Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New campground opens in Hollywood

And it's called Twilight Fans Unite for the Eclipse Premiere.  Well, maybe not unite.  I have a feeling that there will be some fights.  Some crazy ass 40 year old "Team Edward" cougay is surely going to bitch slap some 16 year old "Team Jacob" fainter and mayhem will erupt.  I mean, it has to happen, right?  These Twilight fans are frickin nuts.  Lines will be drawn.  I'm sure they're all wearing their Team Whatever shirts, with their Team Whatever sleeping bags and pillows, and some of them (the slutty moms) will be wearing their Team Whatever thongs.  No kumbaya here.  Then, security will shut the place down and there won't be any premiere.  Way to be ruiners, Twilight fans. 

[Image via Splash News]