Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Really, PETA?

I'm a vegetarian (except for the occasional seafood meal). I'm also fairly active (not nearly as much as I could/should be). I'm also a big girl. Now, I could be a smallish girl if I tried harder. But, there are people out there who are big but completely healthy, and just can't lose the weight. It's true. I watched a show about it a few months ago. One of the women featured was a personal trainer, and she was 5'8 and 200 pounds. Another lived on a vegetarian diet and exercised daily and she was 5'4 and 170 pounds.

I agree with PETA on several things and I disagree with them on several things. I vehemently disagree with them regarding this ad campaign, and I think it makes them look like idiots. Who are they to judge why a person is overweight, but more importantly, who are they to claim that they know what will make them lose weight? Their intentions are not necessarily pertaining to your healthy lifestyle; they want you to stop eating meat because of the ethical treatment of the animals. They could really care less about your life. So, what better way to get that point across than by offending you to take action against them by possibly going out and having a huge steak dinner tonight?

In their press release, PETA stated:

"Trying to hide your thunder thighs and balloon belly is no day at the beach," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "PETA has a free 'Vegetarian Starter Kit' for people who want to lose pounds while eating as much as they like."

EVERYONE knows that you can eat too much of anything. Even vegetables. PETA has certainly bit off more than they can chew in this instance.