Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's like buttah

So, I'm totally addicted to Phytomer OligoForce Soothing Enforcement Serum. I picked this up when I had a facial earlier this month and was a bit skeptical, mostly because I have really sensitive skin and if I steer from my usual must haves, I often break out. But, my aesthetician, Victoria, raved about this and how it would be perfect for my skin type. Well, I had to take her recommendation with a raised eyebrow (hey, she's trying to push certain products to make a few extra bucks), but ended up buying it anyway. And, now I'm addicted. Not only is the smell amazingly fresh, but it's not heavy and it's made my skin glow.

Here's the description from

OligoForce Soothing Serum helps to soothe sensitive and irritated skin by stimulating the body's natural defenses. Formulated with natural sea water extracts, it provides the skin with vital elements necessary for proper health. Redness, inflammation and discomfort from irritation subside, leaving the skin healthy and comfortable.