Wednesday, November 10, 2010

So, Mariah Carey is Pregnant

I know, it's not news anymore.  But, wow, she's really pregnant and I can't even see her belly in this shot.  Everything has expanded, even the length of her, ah, necklaces.  I'm not entirely sure what the red lace thing is she's wearing - lingerie? I mean, she's Mariah Carey, can't she afford some maternity clothes??  Ugh, she's probably going to try and be one of those moms that refuses to wear maternity clothes, and by refuses to wear maternity clothes, I mean she's going to try and continue to wear the slutty clothes she used to wear when she was super skinny and on tour.  Then her kid's going to come out being all embarassed by his/her mommy and then call up Stacy and Clinton for a clothes intervention.  Well, I'd agree with that...Mimi has needed a clothes intervention since the early 90s.

[Image via]