Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A new gig

I've been very bad about reading up on celebrity gossip and then gossiping about it on my blog. Well, I haven't been blatantly ignoring all celebrity gossip because I do have a new writing gig and I figured I'd tell the world all about it (yes, the entire world certainly does read my blog).

A few weeks ago I started writing news articles for, one of the top fan sites for my favorite TV show, True Blood.  If you don't know about True Blood, you really should.  I won't judge you, but really, you should know all about it, especially the fact that my boyfriend is one of the lead actors.  I feel pretty lucky to have been chosen as one of's newest writers, so I've been dedicating a lot of my time to writing as much as possible for them, at least until I'm not a "trainee" anymore.  I'm not sure when I graduate from that title, but I'm sure you'll read about it on here.

So, if you're interested in seeing some of the articles I've written (keep in mind they are news articles, so they aren't excessively creative), please check out:    

[Image via HBO]