Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Simon Cowell is engaged

Seriously, how shitty must his ex girlfriend be feeling right now?  After like ten years, they went their separate ways, mostly because Simon said he would NEVER marry.  Ever.  (See picture, where he's blatantly relishing in the fact he isn't wearing a wedding ring.)  And now he's engaged.  What a punch in the boobs.  Apparently he's talking babies, too.  I guess it's a good thing he's leaving AI after this season because no one wants to see a shmoompy Simon Cowell giving failing singers advice.  Instead of "I'm going to be honest, that was utter crap" we'd hear "I'm going to be honest, that made me want to pinch your wittle cheeks and give you a wittle raspberry on your roly poly wittle belly!"