Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What in the name of Sam Hill is that?

Jude: Oh my goodness, did you just see that?
Sienna: See what?
Little Girl: Dad? Dad? Dad? Daddy?
Jude: Something just jumped out of the water! Or, fell into the water. Or both!
Sienna: Maybe it was a pineapple.
Little Girl: Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Dadda?
Jude: No, certainly not a pineapple. It looked like a mermaid!
Sienna: Oh my God, that reminds me, I played a mermaid in a play at university and totally wanted to be a mermaid afterwards. I even tried once, but I almost died. Thank God that merman came and rescued me.
Little Girl: Dadda? Dadda? Dadda? Dadda? Dadda? Jude?
Jude: Mermaids don't exist. It simply looked like a mermaid. And mermen don't exist, either!
Sienna: What? Is that true? If it is, then who in the world did I have Thank You sex with?!
Little Girl: God you guys are stupid.
[Image via Splash News]