Friday, July 22, 2011

Tips Make Easy Maintenance Garden

First of all before you read further, your mind first tepis who say that having a garden at home is the thing that would be very inconvenient because you have a garden at home semerepotkan not you think so far.

Think if we had a garden, we'll have a beautiful dwelling, cool air, and have enough oxygen intake due berfotosintesa plants that produce oxygen that makes the air in our homes become more fresh.

As an initial step to make this simple garden, take advantage of the small land at the corner of your home by covering it with grass. Then you can put some good plants that you plant directly, or you use a pot plant. You can also add a decorative hardscape.

 Now, for any maintenance is quite simple. You do not need watering every day. Do watering when the medium was dry and see the number of plants that are not too much, then you will not have to bother cleaning the leaves because it is definitely the amount will be a little fertilizer and in any case you only fertilize when necessary or when you actually have free time. You can also add some small stone footing and a sprinkling of white coral to further enhance your small garden.