Thursday, November 5, 2009

No photoshoping necessary

Nicole Kidman really screams affectionate, warm, and loving. I'm pretty certain she's trying to be sexy here, but, well, she fails miserably. Almost as miserably as her acting career (*cough* Australia).

My favorite part of this cover isn't her rigid botox forehead, but the caption that reads: Nicole Kidman Still Won't Play by the Rules. See, the word "still" here implies that she never has, but, well, I beg to differ. I'm almost positive that she let an elfish man control her life for a decade, which, correct me if I'm wrong, IS playing by someone's rules other than her own (case in point, I read an article somewhat recently where she describes how she lived under "someone" else's rule for far too long).

So, this cover is false advertising. First, they're trying to get you to think she's sexy and second, they're trying to get you to think she's a rebel. She ain't no Anne Heche.