Friday, May 28, 2010
Fashion don't #87: curtains are meant to be hung, not worn
This outfit is completely silly. The hat screams I'm on a yacht, looking all hot and classy. The sunglasses peeking out from beneath the brim? Hot. Indeed. Then, as your eyes slide down her neck, you think, what color is her bathing suit going to be? And then you see this horrible dress. It looks like she walked into my grandmother's house and pulled the curtains off the rod in the laundry room and said, oh yes, let's make a dress out of this! And paired with espadrilles? The black hat and sunglasses with this outfit make me cringe. It makes me sad when stars don't properly mix the black and brown. It can be done, but Catherine Zeta Jones Douglas hasn't quite mastered it here. And seriously, she's far too young to resort to wearing curtains.
[Image via Splash News]
Catherine Zeta Jones
It's all about the fashion, daaaahhhhhling

I know SJP loves her fashion. Some would even say she's a bit obsessed with the latest couture, the latest trends. However, when did wearing ridiculous shit on your head become a trend? This is not fashion. It's stupid. Just because you're a celebrity and you're the main character of Sex and the City doesn't make it okay for you to wear crap like this. It makes you look silly. And, what is that thing on her upper arm? Is she wearing a heart monitor? Was she working out immediately before walking down the red carpet? Looking at that thing on her head made me think, oh, she had to have brought that with her and put it on after she arrived. Nope. She actually wore it in the limo, laying down across the seats so that her black storm cloud wouldn't hit the roof. I mean, the poof is just fixed to a headband, no? You can't tell me that it took a long time to get that headband poof on her head, so why the need to wear it in the car? Oh, right. I forget about the dramatic entrance. My bad.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
G G G G G-Unit!!
Wow, this is redondo! 50 Cent dropped over 50 pounds for his upcoming movie, Things Fall Apart. He kinda looks like Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle had a baby.
50 Cent
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Cute as a button
Doesn't Michelle Williams look absolutely adorable out promoting her new film, Blue Valentine, in Cannes? I mean, the arm candy doesn't hurt either, but I'm totally loving her look. She's got a sassy new shorter and blonder hairdo and those shoes are lovely! Apparently her new flick with Ryan Gosling is getting some great buzz. However, if you're looking for an upbeat happy movie, this is not for you.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I know who killed my career
My most favorite crazy celebrity was up to her usual antics this past weekend in Cannes. Yes, Lindsay Lohan was at the Cannes Film Festival. I'm not exactly sure what she was up to, other than partying of course, but at least someone was able to snap this little gem of her. Apparently she's on a yacht, so maybe she was feeling a bit sea sick and decided to hunker down to wait out the swells. I doubt it. I'm fairly certain it was just the booze making her feel sea sick, considering that the yacht never left the dock. I'm more apt to believe that she thought the extra large poll behind her was a stripper pole, and that she was showing off some of her moves from I Know Who Killed Me. I have to give her credit, though. She's wearing panties, which is very responsible of her.
[Image via WENN]
Lindsay Lohan
Friday, May 14, 2010
True Blood season 3 trailer released
HBO has just released the spankin new trailer for season 3 and it is full of craziness! Only one month to, it's been a very long nine months.
True Blood
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Phinizy and Phebe
My lovely friend, Jess Eddy, has embarked on a new adventure, one that involves creating delicious ice cream in Brooklyn, NY. Her new business, Phinizy and Phebe (please note that the "and" is actually an ampersand but blogger won't let me use this character!), which she started with her partner, Crista, has just recently been unveiled. But, before I get into that, let me give you a little snapshot of Jess.
Now, Jess has always loved food. She's a phenomenal cook (um, to this day, I will always claim that her homemade pizza is one of the best I've EVER eaten) and she appreciates a great meal. She also appreciates a cup of coffee and a nice bottle of wine and a nice glass of scotch. And ice cream. Enter Phinizy and Phebe.
The real thrill for us came after we made our first flavor. After we tasted it we knew we were onto something great. We shared it with friends, got positive feedback then started brainstorming new flavors. This became an obsession - all we talked about. We have a chalkboard wall in our kitchen, which we use to write down the flavor ideas we want to pursue. We have about 25 ideas we've brainstormed, six of which we have recently narrowed in on.
What's the significance behind the name of your business?
Phinizy is an old family name of Crista's and Phebe is my middle name.
What's a typical day look like for you and Crista?
Well right now, we both still work full-time so the ice cream business takes up a lot of our free time. We spend a lot of time organizing and planning as we're in the very begininning stages of our business. We just made our first appearance to the public at a crafts and food fair and got a great reception. Since then we've been invited to other fairs. These milestones really help keep us moving forward. When we are making ice cream a typical day includes just that! A side effect of this is lots of tasting to make sure our flavors are spot on. This has also increased our gym attendance.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I met Jess in college through one of my teammates and we became instant friends. We didn't hang out all the time, but when we did, there was always loads of laughter, lots of inquisitive discussions, and more than enough silliness. One of my fondest memories of college is sitting at Jess' kitchen table, drinking coffee, and just talking about anything and everything. Jess has the kind of personality that you crave to be around: hysterically funny, respectful, intelligent, happy, laid back, and she always makes you feel good. She's also one of the most creative people I've ever met. Jess and I worked on the campus magazine together, The Loop, and Jess basically carried the entire project from start to finish. Her ideas were inspiring, her creativy was astounding, and her drive was impressive. Through the years, her creativy grew astronomically, she started her own creative design business, moved to Brooklyn, started a food blog, and really fell in love with food.

Jess sat down with me over email and answered a few questions about her new business.
What is it about ice cream that made you want to dive in and start creating your own recipes / start your own business?
It was mostly unintentional. We bought our first ice cream maker, which arrived Friday, February 12th. We made our first (and what has since become our signature) flavor, Fluffnut on February 14th. There's a small and fairly new ice cream company in NYC that delivers ice cream. We were interested in getting ice cream delivered but were out of their delivery zone and just couldn't wait so we started making our own original flavors.

What's the significance behind the name of your business?
Phinizy is an old family name of Crista's and Phebe is my middle name.
What's a typical day look like for you and Crista?
Well right now, we both still work full-time so the ice cream business takes up a lot of our free time. We spend a lot of time organizing and planning as we're in the very begininning stages of our business. We just made our first appearance to the public at a crafts and food fair and got a great reception. Since then we've been invited to other fairs. These milestones really help keep us moving forward. When we are making ice cream a typical day includes just that! A side effect of this is lots of tasting to make sure our flavors are spot on. This has also increased our gym attendance.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I have to go back to our first flavor, Fluffnut. We were originally inspired by the peanut butter and fluff Ritz cracker sandwiches we ate as a kid and wanted to recreate that flavor and experience in an ice cream. As part of our creative process we talk through different flavor combinations and possibilities. This gives us a chance to evolve our idea. Through this process our idea soon turned into a Ritz cracker sandwich that was covered in caramel then in chocolate. This was mainly a strategic decision to protect the sandwich so it would hold up in the ice cream. It also just happened to be delicious. Part of our inspiration also comes from Crista's Southern background, which you see mainly in a couple of our flavors: Coconut Key Lime Pie and Banana DANG! (a banana pudding ice cream).
Delicious. Insane.
I have no doubt that Phinizy and Phebe will hit the food scene in NY and explode. So far, Jess and Crista have received great feedback from those that have had the honor to taste the deliciousness of their ice cream.
All pictures via Jess Eddy (yeah, she's an amazing photographer, too!)
Jess Eddy,
Phinizy and Phebe
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
By the beard of Zeus!!
So, as you all know by now, I'm a pretty big Lady Gaga fan. Craziness aside (however, one of the biggest reasons why I love her), she's got a great voice and her creativity is out of this world. You wanna know who else likes her? Greyson Michael Chance. Who? If you don't know him yet, you will soon enough. Check out his rendition of the Gaga's Paparazzi below. Oh, and he's only in sixth grade.
Justin Bieber who???
Justin Bieber who???
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
This. Is. Pathetic.
So, when I was eight, I perfected the moonwalk. I mean, utter perfection. My obsession with Michael Jackson was a bit ridiculous, I'll admit, but that obsession gave me something that, to this day, is still nearly perfect: my moonwalk.
I can't say the same for Rihanna. Here she is attempting to moonwalk at one of her recent concerts and, wow, it's disastrous. Honestly, if you're going to perform on stage in front of thousands, don't you think you'd practice? No one should have been subjected to this horror. Or that outfit.
I can't say the same for Rihanna. Here she is attempting to moonwalk at one of her recent concerts and, wow, it's disastrous. Honestly, if you're going to perform on stage in front of thousands, don't you think you'd practice? No one should have been subjected to this horror. Or that outfit.
Texting and Tiger really don't mix
Well, it appears that texting is really going to haunt Tiger Woods' professional and personal life. is reporting that Tiger's coach for the past six years, Hank Haney, resigned as Tiger's coach via text message. I'd like to think that the text read something like this: "In light of the fact you're a dirty dirty donkey who can't keep his peen dry, I've decided you're not going to be bring me down with you. Plus, my wife is suspicious of our weekend in Vegas. The last thing I need is gay rumors. And, I'm going to say, that's the last thing you need, too. Thanks for all the money."
Tiger Woods
Friday, May 7, 2010
Gary Busey is a dad
I'm not sure if your reaction was similar to mine, but I actually gasped, giggled, and then said "oh no." Gary Busey. Is. A. Dad. I can't wait for him to drop some of his crazy knowledge on that poor kids head. What knowledge, you ask? Any of the following would do (these are legit GB's quotes):
Never dip lower than you can dip.
It`s good for everyone to understand that they are to love their enemies, simply because your enemies show you things about yourself you need to change. So in actuality enemies are friends in reverse.
You know what `FEAR` stands for? It stands for `False Evidence Appearing Real.` It`s the darkroom where Satan develops his negatives.
Drinking your own blood is the paradigm of recycling.
You know what `ROMANCE` stands for? It stands for `Relying On Magnificent And Necessary Compatible Energy.`
You know what `DOUBT` stands for? It stands for `Debate On Understanding Bewildersome Thoughts.`
Great things like this only happen for the first time once.
You know what `SOBER` stands for? It stands for `Son Of a B****, Everything`s Real!`
Gary Busey
They may be famous, but they're not fashionable
Ack. Ugh. Sigh. This dress is so... pink. And ridiculous. I mean, that bow...and she looks like she's wearing a bed skirt from the waist down. It's just...all wrong. Her boobies looks very perky, but I'm so distracted by that bow and the overall ugliness of this dress that I just can't appreciate the boobies. Very sad.
Then there's this. I mean, WOW. This screams Little Bo Peep meets Moulin Rouge meets Times Square hookah. What in the world compelled her to look in the mirror and think, "Oh yeah, this is totally flattering and pretty. I look HOT."
Then there's this. I mean, WOW. This screams Little Bo Peep meets Moulin Rouge meets Times Square hookah. What in the world compelled her to look in the mirror and think, "Oh yeah, this is totally flattering and pretty. I look HOT."
Rosario Dawson,
Vera Farmiga
Do you like music?
I can't even begin to speak highly enough about NPR Music. They showcase the hippest, coolest artists (as well as just the regular joe artists) and offer free 'songs of the day' and the opportunity to actually preview an entire album before diving in and buying it. They also heavily covered the SXSW music festival and posted a bunch of live shows. Not entirely convinced? Check it out for yourself here.
NPR music
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