Rolling Stone Magazine has released its 30 picks for best albums of 2010, with Kanye West landing the #1 spot. I know we love to hate him, but the guy is crazy talented, although I fear that if his ego gets any bigger, all of us Americans may have to move to Europe. I'm definitely happy to see The Black Keys as #2 - they are insanely good. Insanely good. If you haven't heard of / listened to them (GASP!), well, you are missing out on some seriously phenomenal music. Google them right now. Seriously.
1. Kanye West, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
2. The Black Keys, Brothers
3. Elton John and Leon Russell, The Union
4. Arcade Fire, The Suburbs
5. Jamey Johnson, The Guitar Song
6. Vampire Weekend, Contra
7. Drake, Thank Me Later
8. Robert Plant, Band of Joy
9. Eminem, Recovery
10. LCD Soundsystem, This Is Happening
11. The Dead Weather, Sea of Cowards
12. John Mellencamp, No Better Than This
13. Taylor Swift, Speak Now
14. Robyn, Body Talk
15. The National, High Violet
16. Kid Rock, Born Free
17. Beach House, Teen Dream
18. Kings of Leon, Come Around Sundown
19. M.I.A., Maya
20. Neil Young, Le Noise
21. Big Boi, Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty
22. Spoon, Transference
23. Elizabeth Cook, Welder
24. Maximum Balloon, Maximum Balloon
25. Superchunk, Majesty Shredding
26. Yeasayer, Odd Blood
27. Peter Wolf, Midnight Souvenirs
28. My Chemical Romance, Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
29. The Roots, How I Got Over
30. Rick Ross, Teflon Don
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Beaver?
I'm not sure about this... I know Mel Gibson desperately needs a kick-ass movie to restart his career again, but I don't know if this is it.
Mel Gibson,
The Beaver
Blue Valentine Poster is Super Saucy!
I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie, especially now that I see how sexy Mr. Gosling is looking (I think he's sex on a stick when he's all scruffy).
Blue Valentine
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Somebody's Fabulous!
It's no secret that I have a crush on Jennifer Lopez and wow, she looks amazing on the red carpet at the Latin Grammy Awards. I think she looks better now than she did pre-children. I love her curves.
Jennifer Lopez
Winter is Coming
Even though it was 65 degrees out yesterday, I was on a mission to buy some new winter boots. I've been coveting the furry styles I keep seeing on Piperlime and at Nordstroms, but just couldn't fathom spending a ton of money. Also, I was hoping to find a style that wasn't just reasonably priced, but vegan. Needless to say, I did a lot of browsing. Then I stumbled on these gray furry moccasin winter boots by Breckelles. They are much cheaper than I would have expected ($39!) and they are vegan AND stylish. Plus, they are supposed to be more roomy in the calf area, which is ideal considering I have behemoth calves.
They just shipped today, so we'll see how I like them in person. Fingers crossed that they're a good match.
furry winter boots
Thursday, November 11, 2010
This is Why I Don't Like Cruise Ships
The four-day-long ordeal of 4,500 passengers and crew being stranded at sea is nearly over.
Several tug boats pulled the stricken 952-foot Carnival Splendor to San Diego Bay early Thursday. The ship is completely out of power after a fire broke out earlier this week. Those aboard have been dealing with limited food, smelly toilets and dark cabins. There was no air conditioning, no hot food, no hot water, no casino. The swimming pool was off-limits because there was no way to pump chlorine. Lines for cold food stretch for hours. However, the toilets were working and the bar was pouring free drinks.
Granted, this was a rare instance, one that Carnival indicates has never occurred before, so there isn't any need to worry about any of their other vessels succumbing to something similar. But, living on Spam, pop tarts, and canned crab for four days sounds absolutely horrible. You can read the full article here.
[The image is not an actual image of the Splendor burning, just another unfortunate vessel going up in flames. I bet those customers didn't get free booze.]
Several tug boats pulled the stricken 952-foot Carnival Splendor to San Diego Bay early Thursday. The ship is completely out of power after a fire broke out earlier this week. Those aboard have been dealing with limited food, smelly toilets and dark cabins. There was no air conditioning, no hot food, no hot water, no casino. The swimming pool was off-limits because there was no way to pump chlorine. Lines for cold food stretch for hours. However, the toilets were working and the bar was pouring free drinks.
Granted, this was a rare instance, one that Carnival indicates has never occurred before, so there isn't any need to worry about any of their other vessels succumbing to something similar. But, living on Spam, pop tarts, and canned crab for four days sounds absolutely horrible. You can read the full article here.
[The image is not an actual image of the Splendor burning, just another unfortunate vessel going up in flames. I bet those customers didn't get free booze.]
Carnival Splendor
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
My Son is Gay. Or He's Not. Why Should it Matter?
The following post was written by a mother who's struggling with her son's sexuality - not because she has a problem with the fact that her son may or may not be gay, but the fact that colleagues, friends, neighbors, and society does. It's a moving story and I applaud her for standing up for her son. I wish that more people could follow her lead. Click here to read the post.
So, Mariah Carey is Pregnant
I know, it's not news anymore. But, wow, she's really pregnant and I can't even see her belly in this shot. Everything has expanded, even the length of her, ah, necklaces. I'm not entirely sure what the red lace thing is she's wearing - lingerie? I mean, she's Mariah Carey, can't she afford some maternity clothes?? Ugh, she's probably going to try and be one of those moms that refuses to wear maternity clothes, and by refuses to wear maternity clothes, I mean she's going to try and continue to wear the slutty clothes she used to wear when she was super skinny and on tour. Then her kid's going to come out being all embarassed by his/her mommy and then call up Stacy and Clinton for a clothes intervention. Well, I'd agree with that...Mimi has needed a clothes intervention since the early 90s.
[Image via]
[Image via]
Mariah Carey
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Latest Actor to Become Vampired
Tom Hardy, best known for his role in this year's hit movie, Inception, is rumored to have signed on to play a vampire in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. In Seth Grahame-Smith's historical horror spin, when Abraham Lincoln was nine years old, his mother died from an ailment called the "milk sickness." Only later did he learn that his mother's deadly affliction was actually the work of a local vampire, seeking to collect a debt owed by Lincoln's father. When Abe learned the truth, he vowed revenge and kept one passion hidden throughout his life: the brutal elimination of all vampires.
Twentieth Century Fox is aiming for a June 22, 2012 release and Tim Burton will produce the horror adventure.
What do you think? I'd probably let him bite me. And maybe suck my blood. And maybe...well, I'll stop now.
[Image via]
A new gig
I've been very bad about reading up on celebrity gossip and then gossiping about it on my blog. Well, I haven't been blatantly ignoring all celebrity gossip because I do have a new writing gig and I figured I'd tell the world all about it (yes, the entire world certainly does read my blog).
A few weeks ago I started writing news articles for, one of the top fan sites for my favorite TV show, True Blood. If you don't know about True Blood, you really should. I won't judge you, but really, you should know all about it, especially the fact that my boyfriend is one of the lead actors. I feel pretty lucky to have been chosen as one of's newest writers, so I've been dedicating a lot of my time to writing as much as possible for them, at least until I'm not a "trainee" anymore. I'm not sure when I graduate from that title, but I'm sure you'll read about it on here.
So, if you're interested in seeing some of the articles I've written (keep in mind they are news articles, so they aren't excessively creative), please check out:
[Image via HBO]
A few weeks ago I started writing news articles for, one of the top fan sites for my favorite TV show, True Blood. If you don't know about True Blood, you really should. I won't judge you, but really, you should know all about it, especially the fact that my boyfriend is one of the lead actors. I feel pretty lucky to have been chosen as one of's newest writers, so I've been dedicating a lot of my time to writing as much as possible for them, at least until I'm not a "trainee" anymore. I'm not sure when I graduate from that title, but I'm sure you'll read about it on here.
So, if you're interested in seeing some of the articles I've written (keep in mind they are news articles, so they aren't excessively creative), please check out:
[Image via HBO]
True Blood
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Fresh Blood
So, I'm totally obsessed with this song. It's on repeat on my iPhone right now. The video is a bit...interesting. I feel like I'm watching Casey Affleck's outtakes from Joaquin Phoenix's movie, I'm Still Here.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Eminem was...bullied?
Eminem has revealed that he was bullied pretty badly in grade school and is now speaking out against bullying in an effort to combat the trend of suicides resulting from anti-gay bullying in schools. Does this sound a bit off to you, because it sounds off to me. A guy who uses the word "faggot" in nearly all his songs? A guy who, I mean, let's be honest, does nothing but bully in a lot of his songs? Maybe he's turning over a new leaf. Or, maybe sales for is new album aren't quite what he was hoping for and he's trying to boost his image. Regardless, I am glad to see more and more celebrities speaking out against bullying, but, I'm a bit suspicious about this specific celebrity.
I like Glee. A lot. Which is very odd because I really don't enjoy musicals one bit, but whatever. I haven't been enjoying this season as much as last season (there's too much singing and not enough character development!), and one thing that has irritated me this season is Lea Michele. Not necessarily her character, Rachel, because that's what her character is supposed to do, but Lea as an individual has totally annoyed the shit out of me. The few interviews I've seen / read have made her look like a pretentious little bitch and she went from cute drama princess to full-fledged skinny drama queen. I give her kudos for being a vegan, but she has lost some serious weight since last season. And, now she just always looks really hungry to me. Except, not so much in this picture. Here she looks like she's hot for teacher, and maybe the coach of the football team, and well, let's just say the entire football team. I see the irony here, since her character on the show is very rigid and not at all slutty, but seriously GQ, you definitely went with the not at all cliche high school nerdwho'satotalhottieandwannabeslut angle with this shoot. You're definitely going to lose readers with this one. They don't want to see a half naked "teenager" sucking on a lollipop. No way. They want to see some Dungeon and Dragons or school janitor or a fat, old principal. Yes, put Lea Michele in a fat suit and have her using her laser pointer pen to give a PowerPoint presentation in the teacher's lounge. Oh yeah...totally hot.
Lea Michele
Excuse me, Flo?
I just love Florence and the Machines and am happy to see that they're finally making it big in the U.S. Another thing that makes me happy? This song. Love it.
Make-up blunder or Motorboating gone wrong?
Wow, this is what Uma Thurman looked like at City University of New York's 40th annual gala last night. Did she let one of her kids do her make-up or was she motorboating a powdered donut in the limo??
[Image via WireImage]
[Image via WireImage]
Uma Thurman
Friday, October 15, 2010
Did you know?
In Arkansas it's illegal to honk your horn at sandwich shops. No person shall sound the horn on a vehicle at any place where cold drinks or sandwiches are served after 9:00 p.m.
In Illinois, a state law requires that a man's female companion call him "master" while out on a date. The law does not apply to married couples.
In Topeka, Kansas, servers are forbidden to serve wine in teacups.
In Carmel, NY, a man cannot be seen in public while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match.
In Staten Island, NY, you may only water your lawn if the hose is held in your hand.
In Oxford, OH, it is unlawful for a woman to appear in public while unshaven. This includes legs and face.
In Oklahoma, it's illegal to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7PM.
In Switzerland, it's illegal to flush the toilet after 10 PM.
In Singapore, if you are convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets on Sundays with a bib on that says, �I am a litterer."
In Australia, Taxi cabs are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk.
Obviously, some of these laws have expired, but the fact that they even existed at one point is awesome.

In Topeka, Kansas, servers are forbidden to serve wine in teacups.
In Carmel, NY, a man cannot be seen in public while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match.
In Staten Island, NY, you may only water your lawn if the hose is held in your hand.
In Oxford, OH, it is unlawful for a woman to appear in public while unshaven. This includes legs and face.
In Oklahoma, it's illegal to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7PM.
In Switzerland, it's illegal to flush the toilet after 10 PM.
In Singapore, if you are convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets on Sundays with a bib on that says, �I am a litterer."
In Australia, Taxi cabs are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk.
Obviously, some of these laws have expired, but the fact that they even existed at one point is awesome.
weird laws
Thursday, October 7, 2010
How many condoms does it take to plug a drain in India?

Following a decision to provide free condoms at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, it has become something of a tradition. At the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000, athletes quickly used up the 70,000 free condoms provided, forcing organizers to supply another 20,000, while at the 2004 Games in Athens, the provision was doubled to 130,000.
At both the Beijing Games in 2008, and the Vancouver Winter Olympics in February, 100,000 condoms were provided for athletes.
karen owen
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I believe
Well, Mulder would certainly be pleased with this news. An alien planet, which has been observed for the last 11 years, has been deemed habitable. Apparently there are close to 500 alien planets that have been found and are currently under investigation to see if, someday, people could live there. This is simply fantastic. If there's 500, there has to be more, right? And, are there actual aliens living on these alien planets? Or are they sitting vacant with for sale signs on them? I'd like my own planet, please. I'd like to be able to live on my own alien planet with all the people I love most and just create our own society and live by our own rules. A planet where there's a river of red wine, trees filled with cucumbers and doritos, and it's fall for nine months straight. Yeah, I really like the sound of that.
alien planets
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What do you think is going on here?
Jon Hamm looks incredibly confused. Maybe the lovely Blake Lively opened her mouth to ask him what he thought of her dress, and instead of her beautiful, curvaceous voice, she burped really loud. And maybe he was at first disgusted, but then grew confused because she just kep burping this one really long burp and after a little while, he was disturbed because even her burping gave him a teeny little bit of wood. Yup, he totally went from six to eight.
[Image via Splash News]
Blake Lively,
Jon Hamm
Yo! Hey! Ciao! Aloha! Peace!
Hi, I'm Sharon! Greetings! I'm so happy that you stopped by! I've decided to break out my old leather pants, which, ahem, I wore when I was 11! Take that, Janice Dickinson! Also, I ran into Julia Louis Dreyfus last night and she was gushing about how I should try and bring back the hair boof her character Elaine wore on Seinfeld and I agreed with her that if anyone could do it, it's this girl! The other thing I agreed to bring back? The puffy shirt. Yup, I want to be a pirate! And I think I'm totally pulling it off. Wait, hey, Richard! Hey, Richard Gere!!! Over here!!!! Ugh, he's such a snob. Oh my God, there's Madonna! MADONNA!!!!!!! Wow, maybe I need to walk over there a little more because I don't think anyone can hear me. Wait, I can't remember why I'm here. What event is this?? Shit, where's my purse? Excuse me, sir? What event is this?? What? Turn around/? What? Ohhhhh, *snickers* he must want to see how hot my ass looks in these pants. Okay, yeah, I'll turn around....oops, what's that on the ground?
[Image via Splash News]
sharon stone
Somebody thinks they look awesome
This outfit is awful. I hate when women try to do the messy version of the male suit and put something like this together. And what is Tom Cruise's son Connor doing with her??
[Image via Splash News]
[Image via Splash News]
AnnaLynne McCord
I'm watching you
I don't get what all the fuss is about over Kelly Brook. I mean, this picture certainly shows that she has boobs, although it could be because her top is at least a size too small. But, I'm not sure I get what's happening with her face. Is she supposed to be pretty? Her lipstick is the only feminine thing on her face (however, she should learn how to apply said lipstick). And what is that thing on her upper lip? Do you see it? It's not a shadow, that's for sure. Geesh, she's wearing that thing on the runway?? Well, yes, the outfit is hideous (eyes AND flowers??), but the moustache is so not in style this season. She needs to do her homework.
[Image via Splash News]
Kelly Brook
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Caffeine will make you kill people
So, for the past year I've been battling the caffeine demon. I quit coffee cold turkey back in 2005 and didn't even miss it, but when I started drinking Red Bull (sugar free) a couple of years ago, I got so hooked that I would practically burst into tears at the thought of not drinking one every afternoon. Then, I started drinking two a day and that was when I realized something had to give. So, I quit cold turkey January 1st 2010. And I missed it. However, I got back into the swing of drinking more tea and enjoyed the morning ritual of making, and savoring, a cup of tea. Yeah, I've totally fallen off the wagon and had a few Red Bulls here and there (more so recently, but I blame that on the insomnia that has snuck up on me again), but it's nothing compared to what I was consuming each day.
I guess it's a good thing that I'm laying off the caffeine, because who knows, I could've potentially ended up like Woody Will Smith of Kentucky. That poor sonofabitch is claiming he killed his wife because he was so tweaked on caffeine. The guy was drinking sodas, energy drinks, and taking diet pills all at once and apparently lost his country shit and strangled his wife. Apparently there is a legit diagnosis for "caffeine intoxication," which includes nervousness, excitement, insomnia and possibly rambling speech. Did you know that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders defines an overdose as more than 300 mg? That's about three cups of coffee. Woody Will Smith allegedly consumed 400 mgs, but was also so sleep deprived that he apparently went into a state of psychosis.

There appears to be some holes in his story, but his lawyer is going to play the caffeine intoxication card in court. A legal strategy invoking caffeine intoxication is unusual but has succeeded at least once before, in a case involving a man cleared in 2009 of charges of running down and injuring two people with a car in Washington state.
Caffeine Intoxication
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Buried at sea, yet not really
Call me stupid, but I had no idea that non-cremated human remains can be buried at sea. From the EPA: "Burial at sea of human remains that are not cremated shall take place at least 3 nautical miles from land and in water at least 600 feet deep. All necessary measures shall be taken to ensure that the remains sink to the bottom rapidly and permanently." (However, there's no information provided as to what the necessary measures must be to make sure the body sinks rapidly and permanently.)
Apparently, the Lasky family of North Carolina attempted to carry out the dying wishes of Daniel Lasky by burying him at sea, but his body surfaced a day later and all hell broke loose off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, FL (Mr. Lasky specifically requested the area because he loved to vacation there). Homicide began investigating, suspecting foul play, but then found the man's obituary online.
Pretty crazy. And awesome.
Apparently, the Lasky family of North Carolina attempted to carry out the dying wishes of Daniel Lasky by burying him at sea, but his body surfaced a day later and all hell broke loose off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, FL (Mr. Lasky specifically requested the area because he loved to vacation there). Homicide began investigating, suspecting foul play, but then found the man's obituary online.
Pretty crazy. And awesome.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The short people's club
This picture is freaking me out a little. I know that Katie Holmes is taller than her wee little husband, Tom, but she looks ginormous here. And he looks like a small child. Is she taking him to his first day of kindergarten? I mean, all he needs is a backpack. And is that a dress she's wearing? Because, I think it may be a pillowcase. I guess Tom's got one thing going for him. He's not Elijah Wood:
[Images via Splash]
[Images via Splash]
A typical day for Miley Cyrus

Ashley Greene: Dahlink Miley! So amazing to run into you in this water fountain in Paris! Come here and give us a kiss!
Miley Cyrus: Ash! Oh! Em! Gee! I love your pet bird! Oh, wait! That's like totally my hand with my sweater like wrapped around it. Duh!
Random white guy: Holy shit, you girls should kiss! Here, let me help you, Ashley. There you go, just lean in, now put your hand on the back of Miley's head and just guide her in...
Randon black guy: Dude, stop forcing it. It has to happen naturally. And, thanks for looking so gay because this twosome may just become a threesome.
Ashley: Miley, you look so cute I could just eat you!
Miley: I'm so wet! I think we should totally, like, take our clothes off and like, run through this fountain!
Random white guy: Hey, I'm not gay. You're gay.
Random black guy: Your mother's gay.
Ashley and Miley (in unison): WE LOVE PARIS!!!! Eeeeeeeeeee!
[Image via the Daily Fix]
Ashley Green,
Miley Cyrus
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Clydesdale Respect
I'm a total sucker for the Budweiser clydesdale commercials. I usually cry. Okay, I always cry. Well, this one is no exception. I'd never seen this one before, which makes sense since it only aired it once - during the 2002 SuperBowl.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Before and After
This is Britney's boyfriend, Jason Trawick, before they started dating:
And, this is him just this past week on vacation with his honey:
Um, wow. The dude is ripped. And desperately needs to eat a sweet muffin. With extra butter.
And, this is him just this past week on vacation with his honey:
Um, wow. The dude is ripped. And desperately needs to eat a sweet muffin. With extra butter.
britney spears,
Jason Trawick
I don't care what anyone says. I know that I'm a damn good actress
Like many of you, I'm sure, I was very surprised to see LaLohan on the cover of next month's Vanity Fair. I mean, haven't we already heard enough about what is wrong with her life? All that family does is talk about themselves, each other, and blames everyone they can for their problems and terrible life.
Once again, LocoLohan shared some words of wisdom:
On her career: "I want my career back. I want the respect that I had when I was doing great movies. And if that takes not going out to a club at night, then so be it. It's not fun anyway.
On her past: "I don't care what anyone says. I know that I'm a damn good actress. � And I know that in my past I was young and irresponsible-but that's what growing up is. You learn from your mistakes."
On her father: "I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life."
On her alleged drug use: "I've never abused prescription drugs. I never have-never in my life. I have no desire to. That's not who I am. I've admitted to the things that I've done-to, you know, dabbling in certain things and trying things �cause I was young and curious and thought it was like, O.K., �cause other people were doing it and other people put it in front of me. And I see what happened in my life because of it."
On the courtroom drama: "It was "hearbreaking" to see Ali cry. "The worst part of it is you turn around and you see your dad crying and normally you�d be, like, happy that your father�s there. But then he has to go and do an interview right after."
On hanging out with the wrong crowd: �So many people around me would say they cared for the wrong reasons. A lot of people were pulling from me, taking from me and not giving. I had a lot of people that were there for me for, you know, the party.�
Once again, LocoLohan shared some words of wisdom:
On her career: "I want my career back. I want the respect that I had when I was doing great movies. And if that takes not going out to a club at night, then so be it. It's not fun anyway.
On her past: "I don't care what anyone says. I know that I'm a damn good actress. � And I know that in my past I was young and irresponsible-but that's what growing up is. You learn from your mistakes."
On her father: "I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life."
On her alleged drug use: "I've never abused prescription drugs. I never have-never in my life. I have no desire to. That's not who I am. I've admitted to the things that I've done-to, you know, dabbling in certain things and trying things �cause I was young and curious and thought it was like, O.K., �cause other people were doing it and other people put it in front of me. And I see what happened in my life because of it."
On the courtroom drama: "It was "hearbreaking" to see Ali cry. "The worst part of it is you turn around and you see your dad crying and normally you�d be, like, happy that your father�s there. But then he has to go and do an interview right after."
On hanging out with the wrong crowd: �So many people around me would say they cared for the wrong reasons. A lot of people were pulling from me, taking from me and not giving. I had a lot of people that were there for me for, you know, the party.�
I just threw up a little in my mouth
These two repulse me. Poor Amy Winehouse. Remember when she had talent? Now all she has is Pete Doherty, some baby mice, and an apartment full of trash, drugs, and bed bugs.
[Image via]
Amy Winehouse,
Pete Doherty
This is what Demi Moore calls her sexy dance
What do you think is going on here? And what in the world is Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore doing on stage at a Snoop concert? All I know is that Demi's attempt at dirty dancing is laughable. And boy, did I laugh hard.
Ashton Kutcher,
Demi Moore,
Snoop Dog
This HAS to be true
Please let this be true. One of Paris Hilton's friends is divulging that the heiress traipses around the world and always brings along a stash of cocaine with her. But, where does she hide this stash so that she's not (always) caught? In. Her. Vagina. This got me thinking that she must do this with more than just cocaine, right? I bet she has smuggled in wild animals from other countries to add to her pet menagerie (um, I think she was showing off a monkey in LA after one of her trips to Africa), and there's quite possibly one or two of her BFFs in there (didn't one of her BFFs die?? Just sayin). That thing has to be a bit cavernous, what with all the use it's gotten over the years.
[Image via Getty Images]
paris hilton
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hot diggity!
The new cover of RollingStone!!!! The ladies look amazing, but what is up with Don Draper's face? Is he trying his best Blue Steel? And, if that's his best, maybe he shouldn't try anymore.
Mad Men,
There's no way this is Jessica Simpson
So, apparently, this is Jessica Simpson. I'm not sure what's going on with that hair, or those lips, but this doesn't look at all like Jessica Simpson. It kinda looks like Ivanka Trump, but maybe after she's given birth and has birthing boobs and a few extra baby pounds to lose. Does this look at ALL like Jessica Simpson?!??!?
[Image via Daily Mail]
[Image via Daily Mail]
This picture can't be real
I mean, right?? This seems a bit ridiculous to me. This guy plays football and is a spokesperson for Head and Shoulders. Apparently, Head and Shoulders just insured his locks for $1 million. Really? Heidi Klum's legs are insured for $2.2 million, which I can totally see given that Klum is a frickin model and needs to have nice gams. But, a football player getting his hair weird. Troy Polamalu hasn't had his hair cut in eight years. Isn't that bad for your hair? Aren't you supposed to trim your hair every couple of months to keep it healthy? So, they're insuring this guy for his long, incredibly nasty, damaged hair?? I mean, there could be rodents living in that thing. If he really wanted to make headlines, well, he could be a better football player, but also, he could cut off all that hair and donate it to Locks of Love.
Troy Polamulu
Monday, August 30, 2010
I have yet to watch the entire Emmy's (um, True Blood and Mad Men were on at the same time, and sorry, those take precedence), but I did catch the red carpet and the first hour, and the opening number was pretty great. Seriously, that Jon Hamm is funny (however, Don Draper is not...oh my God, the episode of Mad Men last night was soooo awkward from a Don Draper point of view. I actually covered my eyes at one point because I just couldn't watch the train wreck that he's become).
But, how about that red carpet? I was mostly underwhelmed, but man, were some of those dresses bad. I think the worst of the evening was January Jones. I mean, what in the world was she thinking putting this thing on and then going out in public? I'm pretty sure even Cyndi Lauper wouldn't wear that thing.
I might as well stay on Mad Men and talk about Christina Hendricks' dress, because, like her costar January, it was a huge flop. The style is not flattering on her at all, but what is with those feathers? It's too 1800's prostitute. I think Wyatt Earp would have liked this dress.
And, then there was this. Poor Mindy Kaling. I mean, she should be fined for this. Honey, it's the Emmy's. Not tryouts for Who's the Next Burlesque Babe. Maybe she's just tired of dressing business casual for The Office.
And, the Tara Reid Award of the evening goes to CSI: Miami's Eva LaRue. But, to quote her co-star, Horatio Caine: "It's not important what people say about us. It's important what we think of ourselves inside."
[Images via Getty Images]
But, how about that red carpet? I was mostly underwhelmed, but man, were some of those dresses bad. I think the worst of the evening was January Jones. I mean, what in the world was she thinking putting this thing on and then going out in public? I'm pretty sure even Cyndi Lauper wouldn't wear that thing.
I might as well stay on Mad Men and talk about Christina Hendricks' dress, because, like her costar January, it was a huge flop. The style is not flattering on her at all, but what is with those feathers? It's too 1800's prostitute. I think Wyatt Earp would have liked this dress.
And, then there was this. Poor Mindy Kaling. I mean, she should be fined for this. Honey, it's the Emmy's. Not tryouts for Who's the Next Burlesque Babe. Maybe she's just tired of dressing business casual for The Office.
And, the Tara Reid Award of the evening goes to CSI: Miami's Eva LaRue. But, to quote her co-star, Horatio Caine: "It's not important what people say about us. It's important what we think of ourselves inside."
[Images via Getty Images]
Sunday, August 29, 2010
La Trop�zienne by Clare Vivier
About a year ago I read about a handbag designer, Clare Vivier, in LA Weekly and then stumbled upon her again in Lucky magazine. Now, it's no secret that I have a bit of a bag obsession. I have more bags than I do shoes. Or jeans. Or, probably underwear. And one word describes Clare Vivier's bags: brilliant.
I kept looking for her, checking up to see where else she had been featured and what else she was up to. Soon enough, I realized that I needed to invest in one of these brilliant bags before she exploded even more and I'd never be able to afford one. So, with my bonus check last month, I excitedly went online and ordered the La Trop�zienne in brown. I only had to wait six days and then it arrived. Slowly and carefully, I opened the box and gazed down at my latest purchase, and, what has quickly become my latest obsession. I love this bag. It's the perfect size and the color is so rich and lovely. The more I use it, the better it looks. And, the more I use it, the more compliments I get. My favorite: "Wow, that bag is gorgeous. Can I touch it?"
Clare Vivier
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The best break up song. Ever.
Thank you, Cee-Lo Green, for the awesomeness that is this song. Warning to those that don't like the "F" word: listen anyway. It's fecking brilliant.
Friday, August 20, 2010
It's been a human feces kind of week

However, I guess you can say that I'm lucky because, unlike Tila Tequila, at least I didn't have human feces thrown at me. While performing. On a stage. Topless. And drunk. In front of an unruly mob. If you don't know who Tila Tequila is, well, good for you. But, if you do know who she is, I think you'll agree with me when I say having human feces thrown at her is probably one of the least dirty things that has ever happened to that trampy trollop.
[Image via WENN]
tila tequila
You can be beautiful, but sometimes that doesn't always mean you will be smart, too

Kim K. recently confessed to Allure magazine that her "entire body is completely hairless." Well, honey, that ain't true because you've got quite a bit of hair on top of that bobble head of yours (granted, I'm sure those extensions make up 50%). However, what really got me is what her dream was when she was younger: to be a reality TV star. That was her dream. �In elementary school, The Real World came on, and I was like, That�s it! I know I want to be on a reality show. And I was like, OK, when I�m old enough, I will make an audition tape.�
Even better? Laurence Fishburne's daughter, Montana Fishburne, just announced that her idol, Kim Kardashian, made her want to go into porn. On her inspiration behind her newfound career: �I�ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape.�
It's really so inspiring to see these girls aim so high.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It's splitsville...again!
Apparently Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood have split up...again. Third times the charm? I honestly don't know how Ms. Wood went back to Mr. CrazyPants after seeing this video (warning - it's pretty graphic at the end), which he did after the second time they split up. The resemblance between the woman in the video to Ms. Wood is uncanny. And, the video is just disturbing. But, she went back to him, so maybe she was touched by the video. They're both weird.
Look at this guy!
I have had a very ridiculous week that's been chock o' block full of grumpiness (my own grumpiness, that is). Until I saw this pic.
Jude Law may be annoying and a fairly horrific actor, but the fact that he can dress like a dandy and date a hot chick is incredibly impressive. In all actuality, I think he's actually wearing said hot girl's clothing. The chest hair, the orange hue, the tight rolled jeans, the no socks...ahhhh, it's heavenly, isn't it?? Somebody's FABULOUS!!!!
[Image via Splash News]
Jude Law may be annoying and a fairly horrific actor, but the fact that he can dress like a dandy and date a hot chick is incredibly impressive. In all actuality, I think he's actually wearing said hot girl's clothing. The chest hair, the orange hue, the tight rolled jeans, the no socks...ahhhh, it's heavenly, isn't it?? Somebody's FABULOUS!!!!
[Image via Splash News]
Jude Law
My Soul to Take
Wes Craven's got a new horror flick coming out just in time for Halloween, and, based on a couple of the hairdos, I'm wondering if the movie is set in the 80s. Which would make some sense considering Wes Craven's best work was done, well, before this movie. Set in "Riverton," Massachusetts, the movie is based on a "dead" serial killer who comes back to haunt the kids that were born on the night he died. Yawn. He should've just saved this 3D awesomeness and done a fourth Scream movie. Oh, wait...
My soul to take,
Wes Craven
Black Swan will getcha
The new Darren Aronofsky film looks ridiculous crazy. And it's about ballerinas. Mmmhmmm. Ballerinas. Hot ballerinas.
Black Swan
Oh. Dear. God.
Alexander Skarsgard is, as everyone knows, a bit of an obsession of mine. I mean, solely because I think he's a brilliant actor, of course. And, even more so now that I've just read this juicy little nugget: Alexander Skarsgard goes sockless in all his nude scenes. �I don�t want a sock around it, that feels ridiculous,� he told Rolling Stone magazine. �If we�re naked in the scene, then I�m naked. I�ve always been that way."
Alexander Skarsgard
Tongue Diving?
This is just disturbing. Apparently, Adam Lambert has stated via Twitter that tongue diving (grabbing random audience members' during your own show and sticking your tongue down their throats) is the new stage diving. Um, well, this is one trend I will certainly not be following. I mean, stage diving can't give you herps. Wait, actually, I guess it could. Stage diving can't give you a viral infection. Well, actually, I guess it could. Stage diving can't, oh, for christ sake, stage diving isn't nearly as disgusting as tongue diving. Period.
[Image via]
Adam Lambert,
Tongue diving
Thursday, August 12, 2010
It's Whitney, bitch
Which do you prefer? The maybe still on drugs, failed at relaunching her singing career, vacationing Whitney?
Or, do you prefer the coked out, crack is whack, Booobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy screamin trainwreck?
I'm sooo torn.
Or, do you prefer the coked out, crack is whack, Booobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy screamin trainwreck?
I'm sooo torn.
whitney houston

"It's called "Stuck with Me." It reminds of me of the theme of Friends. And I'm making a brand new record that will drop early next year. It is right there with the first Justin Timberlake CD. I haven't done an album since 1997, but it sold six million copies and fans have always asked me for more. And I would not have waited this long and gone down this path again if I didn't think we had something."
Well, this should be interesting.
[Image via FilmMagic]
Joey Lawrence
This is, well, gross
Just looking at her makes me feel dirty. She just oozes gross. This is what she wore to the unveiling of her new fragrance, Pathetic. I think that sums it up quite nicely.
[Image via the Daily Fix]
paris hilton
Um, is that nipple?
Yes, I definitely see nipple. Well, it was bound to happen eventually. She definitely likes taking her clothes off for photo shoots, yet refrains from doing so in her movies because of ethical reasons. Jen, meet Karma. She's a bitch.
Jennifer Aniston
So we gonna smoke a ounce to this

Mischa Barton seems to be enjoying herself on a yacht in St. Tropez. Too bad for her she didn't get the memo that it's super cliche to go on a vacation on a yacht in St. Tropez. Especially wearing that outfit. She looks like she may be filming a scene for Boogie Nights 2. Do you think she'll ever redeem herself? Or do you think she's walking the LaLohan crazy line and headed for Washedupchildactordrugaddictattentionwhore Island? Maybe that's where the yacht is headed...
[Image via INF Daily]
Mischa Barton
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I don't care if it's faux. It's hideous.
I received my weekly Nordstrom email this morning and thought I'd take a few minutes to look through their new fall line-up. Everything was going just fine until I saw this jacket. I had such a strong reaction to it that I nearly fell out of my chair, spilling my tea all over myself. This thing is hideous. Repulsive! Other than Mary Kate and Ashley, can anyone really pull this off? And, for $200, why would you want to? Not to mention it looks like something my grandmother has had in her closet since the 1930s. Ugh. If this is what I have to look forward to with regards to fall fashion this year, I'm going to be incredibly disappointed.
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