I've been hearing a lot about this and have finally found a video to post.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
National Vegetarian Week is almost here
National Vegetarian week is coming up in May (18th - 24th) and in recognition, I found some interesting veggie news that I thought I'd share.
Indian brothers come up with 'veggie condoms' in Britain - yup, you read it correctly. They're called veggie rubbers and they lack the milk-based casing used in other condoms. Read the article here.
Meet Dante: Britain's first vegetarian cat who refuses to eat meat or fish.
In the U.S., chickens killed by McDonald's suppliers are slaughtered using an outdated method that results in extreme suffering. As the biggest seller of chicken meat in the U.S., McDonald's has the responsibility�and the ability�to reduce this abuse by demanding that its U.S. suppliers use a less cruel method of slaughter. Learn more.
Victory: First-Ever Felony Charges of Cruelty to Factory-Farmed Birds.
Did you know that pigs are smarter than 3-year-old children? Read more.
Who knew Meatloaf was a vegetarian? Check out other famous vegetarian celebrities here.
A vegan strip club? Seriously, what will they think of next??
Over 1.3 billion human beings could be fed each year from the grain and soybeans that go to livestock in the United States.
Alaskan buffalo have been observed charging down hills and sliding across icy ponds, bellowing with delight, and then climbing back up the hill to do it again.
Mother cows have crashed fences and traveled for miles to reunite with calves sold to other farms.
Just say no to zoos and circuses.
Vegetarians have better sex.
Indian brothers come up with 'veggie condoms' in Britain - yup, you read it correctly. They're called veggie rubbers and they lack the milk-based casing used in other condoms. Read the article here.
Meet Dante: Britain's first vegetarian cat who refuses to eat meat or fish.

In the U.S., chickens killed by McDonald's suppliers are slaughtered using an outdated method that results in extreme suffering. As the biggest seller of chicken meat in the U.S., McDonald's has the responsibility�and the ability�to reduce this abuse by demanding that its U.S. suppliers use a less cruel method of slaughter. Learn more.
Victory: First-Ever Felony Charges of Cruelty to Factory-Farmed Birds.
Did you know that pigs are smarter than 3-year-old children? Read more.

Who knew Meatloaf was a vegetarian? Check out other famous vegetarian celebrities here.
A vegan strip club? Seriously, what will they think of next??
Over 1.3 billion human beings could be fed each year from the grain and soybeans that go to livestock in the United States.
Alaskan buffalo have been observed charging down hills and sliding across icy ponds, bellowing with delight, and then climbing back up the hill to do it again.
Mother cows have crashed fences and traveled for miles to reunite with calves sold to other farms.
Just say no to zoos and circuses.
Vegetarians have better sex.
Largest animal EVER to have existed
I have no idea what prompted me to google the Blue Whale this morning, but I did, and this is what I learned:
Length: up to 108 feet
Weight: 190 short tons (a short ton is a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds)
Blue Whales were abundant in nearly all the oceans until the beginning of the twentieth century. For over 40 years, they were hunted almost to extinction by whalers until protected by the international community in 1966. A 2002 report estimated there were 5,000 to 12,000 Blue Whales worldwide.
How many do you think there are today?
Always stunning
It still blows my mind that Halle Berry is 43. Look at that skin! And, those cheek bones! And how shiny her hair is! I mean, she's stunning. Always stunning. I don't particularly love the dress, but she totally looks amazing in it. And, I love her even more now that she admitted recently to loving Doritos. The one and only thing she and I have in common....

[Image via Splash News]

[Image via Splash News]
Halle Berry
I am beautiful, no matter what you say...
I love that song, Christina, but man, there had to be mirrors at whatever night club you were at AND, I'm sure that your husband is right next to you, right? You think he could've helped his wife out by at least doing the mother trick: lick his thumb and then wipe that boogity fuschia lipstick off her cheek. That is also some crazy makeup selection you've got going on.

[Image via Pacific Coast News Online.]

[Image via Pacific Coast News Online.]
Christina Aguilera
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Do you fado? I certainly do.
This post is in honor of my friends, Tom and John, who got me hooked on Mariza, an amazing Fado singer. Tom sent me this video of Mariza performing my (and Tom's) favorite song, Chuva. It's beautiful, haunting, and brings me to tears nearly every time.
Stunningly gorgeous
I've never really been a Jennifer Garner fan, but she looks absolutely stunning at the premiere of her new movie, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. She's glowing! I love the hair, the makeup, the dress, and the jewels. Well done, Mrs. Affleck!

[Image via PopSugar]

[Image via PopSugar]
Holy Frick!
This just goes to show me that I CAN be surprised on occasion. Who knew that Tila Tequila and John McCain's daughter, Meghan, were best buds??? What in the world do you think they talk about while dining in West Hollywood??

Tila: Oh ma gawd, where's my lighter?
Meghan: [internal monologue] holy cow do I want to grab one of those cigarettes and smoke the shit out of it... but with all the damn paparazzi around, there's now way I'll be able to do it without daddy seeing.
Tila: Shit. I can't find my lighter. Do you have one, Meggie?
Meghan: [nervously laughing] ha ha ha, why would I have a lighter, Tila? No, I don't have one.
Tila: [making a pouty face] Will you go find one for me? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase??
Meghan: Just go ask the hostess. She's literally five steps away.
Tila: Um, do you see these shoes? I can't just traipse around in these things. And I always get my way! [stomping her foot]
Meghan: Good grief. You're so dramatic. Governor Palin could teach you a thing or two about being more assertive.
Tila: Really? I can always use tips on how to make my ass look better!
Meghan: No, no. [Shaking her head]. Assertive, as in confident. I mean, your self esteem is sky high, but you come across as really needy and dependent.
Tila: I certainly am not a dependent. I'm a democrat!
Meghan: I give up. I'll go get you a lighter. Just wait here and look pretty.
[Image via Splash News]

Tila: Oh ma gawd, where's my lighter?
Meghan: [internal monologue] holy cow do I want to grab one of those cigarettes and smoke the shit out of it... but with all the damn paparazzi around, there's now way I'll be able to do it without daddy seeing.
Tila: Shit. I can't find my lighter. Do you have one, Meggie?
Meghan: [nervously laughing] ha ha ha, why would I have a lighter, Tila? No, I don't have one.
Tila: [making a pouty face] Will you go find one for me? Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase??
Meghan: Just go ask the hostess. She's literally five steps away.
Tila: Um, do you see these shoes? I can't just traipse around in these things. And I always get my way! [stomping her foot]
Meghan: Good grief. You're so dramatic. Governor Palin could teach you a thing or two about being more assertive.
Tila: Really? I can always use tips on how to make my ass look better!
Meghan: No, no. [Shaking her head]. Assertive, as in confident. I mean, your self esteem is sky high, but you come across as really needy and dependent.
Tila: I certainly am not a dependent. I'm a democrat!
Meghan: I give up. I'll go get you a lighter. Just wait here and look pretty.
[Image via Splash News]
Wait. What?
Pam Anderson is allegedly a vegetarian. Yet, here she is, all dressed up and opening the new Sapphire Steakhouse and Gentlemen's Club in NYC. Really? Isn't this the same woman who is a PETA advocate and recently protested outside a KFC in Australia? Maybe she got confused. Maybe she thought she was opening the new Sapphire Sluthouse and Gentlemen's Club. Possibly? All I know is her outfit certainly alludes to a possible wet t-shirt competition happening later and the short shorts say there's definitely snaps in those babies so that they're easier to tear off on stage. So, I'm going to go with she thought she was opening the Sapphire Sluthouse. Maybe she's doing more research for her new book. Hmmm. That Pam is sooo thorough.

[Image via Fame]

[Image via Fame]
Straight to DVD. Ouch.
Not even Jessica Biel's, eh hem, Mrs. Justin Timberlake's boobies could save this drama. And, to be honest, the cast line up isn't too bad: Ray Liotta, Kris Kristofferson, Forest Whitaker, and Lisa Kudrow. Oh, and Jessica Beil's boobies. I have to admit, I saw the uncensored pics and she's got a nice rack. Not as nice as her booty, but still. I'm just sayin.
It looks trippy. And totally depressing.
It looks trippy. And totally depressing.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I saw this one coming...

Recently, Lady GaGa made quite a shocking statement about Paris Hilton. By shocking, I mean completely and utterly astonishing and false. She said, and I quote:
�I loved �Stars Are Blind�. I thought it was one of the greatest records ever. Honestly, it is a great pop record.�
Hearing this, I immediately yelled: "Oh, please, please! She did things on that stage I never did with my husband!" (I can't claim this as my own quote; thank you Dorothy Zbornak of Golden Girls for this one.) So, now, Paris wants GaGa to be her new BFFUIFSB (Best Friends Forever Until I Find Someone Better). And, I really liked GaGa. Yes, it's true. I mean, who can't not dance to Poker Face?? C'mon.
Pa pa pa pokkker face pa pa pokkker face. Ma ma ma ma... Oh you know it.
[Image via last.fm]
Spring has sprung on the patio in Salem
OMG, what happened to Sharon Stone?
Friday, April 24, 2009
One hot mama
So, I have a soft spot for Jennifer Lopez. I do. I can't help it. I mean, what chick doesn't love The Wedding Planner? And Monster in Law. And Fat Butt and Pancake Head. I'm a sucker for JLo movies (NOT Gigli, though... didn't see it because, like every other person on planet Earth, I thought it looked atrocious and, wait for it.... It was! So I've heard.). Anyway, she takes amazingly good care of herself and considering she had twins last year AND is almost 40, she. is. smokin'. hot. Case in point, the pic below was taken this week.

I love everything about this look. The hair, makeup, dress, shoes, bag, bling.
[Image via Splash News]

I love everything about this look. The hair, makeup, dress, shoes, bag, bling.
[Image via Splash News]
Thursday, April 23, 2009
It's like buttah

Here's the description from dermstore.com:
OligoForce Soothing Serum helps to soothe sensitive and irritated skin by stimulating the body's natural defenses. Formulated with natural sea water extracts, it provides the skin with vital elements necessary for proper health. Redness, inflammation and discomfort from irritation subside, leaving the skin healthy and comfortable.
Oh, get over yourself, Gwynnie
Gwyneth Paltrow has taken on a new project: to help Mario Batali lose weight. Apparently, "Mario is the only fat friend she has, and she wants him to change." Um, really? That's why you want him to lose weight, so that he won't be your only fat friend, Gwynnie? Not because, well, it would be healthier for him if he were a few pounds lighter? Honestly, what IS wrong with some people??

Please read Gwynnie's part in a fake British accent.
Gwynnie: Oh, Mario! I have a gift for you. Please accept a free membership to my gym! I want you to be thin. Like me.
Mario: Thanks, Amazon woman. But, I'm a FAMOUS chef! I cook Italian food! I can't be thin! I am Molto Mario!!
Gwynnie: Oh, Mario. I can't afford to have fat friends. You must lose weight if you want to continue our relationship.
Mario: Wait, who are you again? You look vaguely like the slab of halibut that I ate last night... Am I dreaming?
Gwynnie: Oh, Mario. You're so funny. We've been touring around Europe together... You know, bringing our fantastic knowledge of food to others.
Mario: Our fantastic knowledge of food? Oh, honey. Your knowledge of food is GOOPy, at best. Puhlease. I'm the mastermind here. Who trusts a skinny chef, anyway?! NOT ME! GET OUT! Remove yourself from my sight!
Gwynnie: But, Mario, I don't want you to become a Frenemy!
Mario: Here's a tip, long legs. Your hip bones jut out too far, your teeth are too big, and your boobies are too small. You are an appetizer at best. You'll never be a main course! Me, I'm a full on pig roast. And people love pig roasts.
[Image via Kevin Mazur/WireImage for Frappe Inc.]

Please read Gwynnie's part in a fake British accent.
Gwynnie: Oh, Mario! I have a gift for you. Please accept a free membership to my gym! I want you to be thin. Like me.
Mario: Thanks, Amazon woman. But, I'm a FAMOUS chef! I cook Italian food! I can't be thin! I am Molto Mario!!
Gwynnie: Oh, Mario. I can't afford to have fat friends. You must lose weight if you want to continue our relationship.
Mario: Wait, who are you again? You look vaguely like the slab of halibut that I ate last night... Am I dreaming?
Gwynnie: Oh, Mario. You're so funny. We've been touring around Europe together... You know, bringing our fantastic knowledge of food to others.
Mario: Our fantastic knowledge of food? Oh, honey. Your knowledge of food is GOOPy, at best. Puhlease. I'm the mastermind here. Who trusts a skinny chef, anyway?! NOT ME! GET OUT! Remove yourself from my sight!
Gwynnie: But, Mario, I don't want you to become a Frenemy!
Mario: Here's a tip, long legs. Your hip bones jut out too far, your teeth are too big, and your boobies are too small. You are an appetizer at best. You'll never be a main course! Me, I'm a full on pig roast. And people love pig roasts.
[Image via Kevin Mazur/WireImage for Frappe Inc.]
Gwyneth Paltrow,
Mario Batali
My top five of the week
1. Heart: Greatest Hits 1985-1995

2. The Artist's Tote from Anthropologie (thanks, Mom!)

3. The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry by Kathleen Flinn

4. Pushing Daisies Season One

5. Arugula

2. The Artist's Tote from Anthropologie (thanks, Mom!)

3. The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry by Kathleen Flinn

4. Pushing Daisies Season One

5. Arugula

Antioxidant found in berries prevents UV skin damage that leads to wrinkles
The article is full of medical jargon, but the gist of it is: eat more fruits, vegetables and nuts, especially raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and pomegranates to help stave off wrinkles.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day!!!

* Remember to carry a reusable grocery bag -- there are so many cute, convenient ones out there!
* B.Y.O. Cup -- whether you're drinking coffee, tea or water, skip the disposable cup and fill up a mug or water bottle. Did you know that Starbucks coffee cups are not recycleable or compostable? That means over 2 billion cups get sent to landfill, just from that one chain!
* Try a green diet for a day -- or a week! Eliminating meat from a meal once in a while cuts down on your carbon footprint, and can be surprisingly tasty, too. Think local and organic, and remember that the farmers' market is your friend!
* Ask what your power company can do for you. Does your local power company offer alternative energy options? How about rebates? Take a minute to check; you might be surprised to find that you can save money, and help the planet. And remember, a lot of those Energy Star appliances also help with taxes, too!
* Break Up With Your Car for a Day. Americans have a love affair with their vehicles. But even if you have the most energy efficient hybrid or biodiesel car available, a little space is good for every relationship. Walk, bus or bike it once in a while.
* Unplug -- If you're not using it, it doesn't need to be plugged in. Maybe even go a step further, and take a break from the TV, video game, or computer. You could play cards, go for a walk, or take a nap.
* Let it air dry -- Nice weather has arrived in most parts of the country. Try hanging your load of laundry on a line instead of using the clothes dryer. While you're at it, how about letting your hair dry naturally, too? Come on, one day of wild frizzies won't kill you!
* Seriously, do you still have "regular" lightbulbs? Swap 'em out for compact fluorescent bulbs! They're even dimmable now.
* Recycled toilet paper has come a long way, I promise you -- it's quilted now! Check out Seventh Generation, Trader Joe's, or Marcal's new Small Steps line.
* Volunteer to plant a tree, landscape a park, or clean up a beach -- however you'd like to help, there is a non-profit in need of your skills. A quick search at VolunteerMatch.org will find you the volunteering opportunity of your dreams!
[Image via Riverwired]
PETA's new billboard

I don't watch The Hills and I'm certainly not a fan of Audrina Partridge (yes, that IS her above... it's amazing what cosmetic surgery, er, photoshop can do to a person), but she's dead one when she was quoted saying: "Each year, 6 to 8 million unwanted dogs and cats are turned in to shelters, and half are killed because there aren't enough good homes."
"The solution is as easy as ABC�animal birth control. Always spay and neuter, and never buy from a pet store or a breeder."
Amy Winehouse still going strong as the world's most unattractive woman
I really don't think I need to say anything here...

We want the Amy from 2005 back. Seriously, where did she go?

[Images via Flynet]

We want the Amy from 2005 back. Seriously, where did she go?

[Images via Flynet]
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Would you wear this?
My Sisters Keeper (2009) Trailer
I smell a tear jerker. I got all teary eyed watching the damn trailer!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Trying to forget what Sarah Marshall is wearing...

Now, from the waist up, this is the beginning of something great. Love the necklace and the tank is super flattering for skinny bitches like Kristen Bell. And, dare I say it, she adds a touch of fierceness with that red lipstick. But, then the whole outfit goes to hell once you go to her pants. What in the crap is she doing pegging her pants!?!??! Really, Kristen Bell. Really? And, is it possible that she doesn't own an iron? Granted, the iron would not help anyway, but still. If you're a celebrity, than you should own an iron. Period. AND, you should have SOMEONE in your life who would tell you: "um, yeah, love the top, but seriously, those pants have got to go back in your boyfriend's closet."
[Image via Go Fug Yourself]
Kristen Bell
Dolphins VS. Pirates

According to a report from China�s official news agency Xinhua, �thousands of dolphins� recently prevented an attack on Chinese merchant ships by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden. Xinhua�s Web site published the photograph above, and three others, which first appeared on the Web site of China Radio International on Monday.
Craziness! Dolphins are even cooler than I originally thought... Read the rest of this story here.
[Image via Chinese Radio International Online]
Reason # 1,238,999 to use sunscreen
Friday, April 10, 2009
I just read that Beyonce made a cool $80 million in 2008 and her hubby made $83 million. Um, seriously, I really have no idea how much money that is. All I know is they're saying "what recession??"
Friday, April 3, 2009
Isabella Dress
Is this not one of the cutest little baby dresses you've ever seen?? I love the ruffle down the middle and the dark trim is so classy.
Limited quantities available on Etsy.
Limited quantities available on Etsy.

Don't let the bed bugs bite
A US study that reviewed the available evidence on bed bugs found that while they are highly resistant to various ways of getting rid of them, they seem to be more of a nuisance than a serious health problem, but the possibility that they could one day serve as a vehicle for disease has not been well researched.
Wait, what?

Ok, this is very disconcerting. Stella McCartney is a fashion designer and, not that I'm saying all fashion designers actually have fashion sense, but I usually do quite enjoy Stella's designs. However, not this one. WHAT is she wearing on her feet/legs? Are those tights that have heels built into them or are they boots that look like tights? AND what is that smock she's wearing? Is that supposed to be flattering, because it certainly is not. Her chest looks off center and the sheen of the dress is quite ugly. I can't even give her an A for effort on this one because I don't think she put any effort into it. It's like she woke up, reached into the laundry basket full of dirty clothes, found this thing that I'm pretty sure was meant to be a night shirt, put it on and then momentarily went blind while she was trying to put on her tights, er boots. What a shock she must've had when she regained her sight on the red carpet...
[image via Go Fug Yourself]
Cejon Oblong Floral Linen scarf

So, I was sitting in the lounge area at the spa the other day, thumbing through a Nordstrom's catalog, and I came to the Cejon Oblong Floral Linen scarf and thought, oh, what a perfect spring accessory! And, much to my delight, the price made me even more excited (let's face it, I don't normally shop at Nordstrom because I can barely afford a pair of underwear). How cute would this look with a pair of jeans and a blazer, or a cute little spring dress? For $38, I think I'll have fun finding out how many ways I can add it to my wardrobe.
Boho chic

I'm a sucker for bags. I think every time I go shopping I end up buying one (or a wallet, cosmetic traveling bag, clutch....), and one of my favorite bags is always the weekend bag. I have probably 10 or so and the new Santa Ana Weekender from Anthropologie could be my next purchase. I love the color, the pattern, the interior, and the brown straps with the purple is so chic. A perfect bag for a weekend getaway, or a trip to the farmer's market, or a jaunt to the beach, or a sweat session at the gym, or a Saturday antiquing in Essex.
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