Dear Madge, For the love of God, lay off the plastic surgery. You're not a virgin anymore. Be careful, because at the rate you're going, you'll definitely end up like this. Please. Stop. Please.
xo Your Concerned Fans
I also feel like she's aged tremendously in the past few years alone. She went from this in 2008:

[Image via New York Post]
To this (and, FYI, this is an outtake from a recent photo shoot, so uh, is this WITH or without airbrushing?!??!?):
First of all, she looks like a troll. And, is everyone else as exhausted as I am about her always appearing in magazine spreads dressed as a nun or some other religious figure? We get it, Madonna. And, it's boring. The absolute worst part is that she's dating some guy named Jesus (he's the naked guy in the picture above). And, doesn't this just make you feel a titch uncomfortable? Like, a mom posing with her naked son? He's only 23 and, with that body, he should be dating supermodels or really hot celebutards.
Ugh. Apparently Madonna wants to have Jesus' baby. Yup, you read that right. It just got real biblical.