Monday, January 26, 2009
Going back to Cali... Cali... Cali...
I will be heading to San Diego tomorrow for eight glorious days and probably won't post much, if any (sort of like last week... our computer really hates me). I do have a trip to LA planned and if there's any good celebrity sightings, I'll be sure to post immediately! Have a great week!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What in the...
Um, what? This is a new promo pic for Madonna's new album, but seriously... what is she thinking? I mean, I kinda get it... She's 50 and still rocking it like a 25 year old. But, why must she continue to dress like a coked out Baby from Dirty Dancing? Someone needs to put her in a corner. With a mirror. And a new stylist. And is the all white ensemble a shout out to Kabbalahism?

[Image via Daily Mail]

[Image via Daily Mail]
It's a glorious day!

I've been completely sucked into the inauguration coverage, and was giggling (yes, a bit devilishly) as the helicopter with our 43rd president left the White House for the LAST time! Oh, there might have been some cheering, too. It's a glorious day!!!!!!!! However, I've been very worried about Michelle Obama and her lack of warm clothing as she walked down the road during the parade. I know, the necklace she was wearing needed to be seen, but seriously, couldn't she have put a scarf on just for the walk?? What did you think of her dress? The color looks good on her, but I don't love it. She still looks beautiful, though!
Cheers to our new President!
[Image via AP Images]
Friday, January 16, 2009
Totally digging...

Lisa Hannigan. I downloaded her new album, Sea Sew from iTunes recently and after a few listens, I'm really enjoying her folky sound. I fell in love with her when she sang and toured with Damien Rice (their professional career ended in 2007, which I do believe has hurt Damien's career!), and now she's working on her solo career. She has such a hauntingly beautiful voice, one that renders you breathless at times.
I also recently downloaded the Irish music collective The Cake Sale, with Lisa singing lead on a few songs. One of those songs, Some Surprise, is a sweet song about kissing and growing up. The Cake Sale is a great collection of some really amazing songs by some pretty awesome Irish singers (Gary Lightbody, Glen Hansard, Gemma Hayes for example).
She's currently touring with Jason Mraz and is coming to The Paradise in Boston on March 3rd.
[image via sligomodelblog]
Please tell me this isn't true
Last night marked the final episode for Gil Grissom on CSI. Yes, I am saddened by his departure and even more saddened by Gil's very low key exit. I guess if they don't kill you off (ie Warrick Brown style), then how else can they make a big emotional deal of you leaving? I guess that's the difference between wanting to leave and being pressured to leave (ie Warrick Brown). There's just enough of a guilt factor where the execs feel that they should send you out guns a blazin, tears a streamin, and fans a bull shittin. Okay, wait, I just went off on another tangent all together.
Getting back on track, I read this afternoon that CSI: NY (yes, I watch it, but I DO NOT watch Miami. I do have some dignity) will have Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz as guest stars on the March 18th show (playing Bonnie and Clyde type characters). Wait, what? Honestly... what is this CSI: Miami? They couldn't find better guest stars to play Bonnie and Clyde? What about Beyonce and Jay Z? I mean, they did a song called Bonnie and Clyde. Or maybe Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel? Oh, how about Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi (Bonnie and Cleo?)?? I would even take Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Wait, no. They could never play Bonnie and Clyde. Too much fake love and kissing and weird "I love yous". Anyway, I'm very annoyed by this.

[image via TopNews]
Getting back on track, I read this afternoon that CSI: NY (yes, I watch it, but I DO NOT watch Miami. I do have some dignity) will have Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz as guest stars on the March 18th show (playing Bonnie and Clyde type characters). Wait, what? Honestly... what is this CSI: Miami? They couldn't find better guest stars to play Bonnie and Clyde? What about Beyonce and Jay Z? I mean, they did a song called Bonnie and Clyde. Or maybe Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel? Oh, how about Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi (Bonnie and Cleo?)?? I would even take Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Wait, no. They could never play Bonnie and Clyde. Too much fake love and kissing and weird "I love yous". Anyway, I'm very annoyed by this.

[image via TopNews]
Did you know?
That this is what Boy George really looks like??? Um, I'm still not quite sure this is really him...

[image via Pacific Coast News]

[image via Pacific Coast News]
Somebody give her a cheeseburger with extra cheese
Chloe Sevigny got waaaaaaaaaay skinny. Or is it just me? One of her legs is the size of one of my arms. I don't remember her being this thin last season on Big Love. The way she's holding her head isn't helping...nor is that really long hair. She looks a bit alien. And she definitely sexed it up a notch with that slit. I don't think the Mormons would approve.

Skype, anyone? If you haven't tried it, you should. I just had my first skype video call this morning with my friend Tom in CA and it was very very cool. It felt like we were just sitting across from each other, drinking our morning tea/coffee, and laughing our asses off. For 2 1/2 hours (we can talk about anything) we listened to some music, planned my trip to CA, and he gave me a tour of his new (well, not really new anymore considering he's been there almost a year) apartment and also showed me the lovely 75 degree weather in San Diego by taking me out onto his patio. The connection was solid and there was really no delay in our voices matching our mouths. And did I mention skype is free?? Yes, free. We decided our next skype chat will include wine. And possibly dinner.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Oh those Golden Globes
I know my coverage of the Golden Globes is a tad late, but I spent yesterday at Maine Medical Center with my family while my grandfather was getting a new defibulator "installed" (he did great and is now home trying to get some much needed rest). So, I watched the Globes this morning and have decided on a few things. First, some of you may know this, but I do have an addiction to award shows (yes, all of them) - I love the fashion dos and don'ts, the holding your breath when an actress walks out on stage in some ridiculously long dress and you wonder, maybe, must maybe she might take a digger, the reactions to winning or losing, the fake air kissing... I really enjoy it all. Secondly, I've put together a few of my own highlights below.
The bad
What in the world was Renee Zellweger thinking when she put this on? It certainly shouldn't have been: "Oh, yeah, this looks hot. I mean, look at me!" It should've been "Hmm. Not quite sure Ursula from The Little Mermaid is a look I should be going for tonight."

"Hi, I'm Brooke Burke! I've had fifteen children and I'm still hotter than you! Hi, I'm Brooke Burke! I may not have the best fashion sense, but I'm Brooke Burke! My boobs just won Dancing with the Stars! I'm Brooke Burke!"

"Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! I like role playing! Stripper, pirate, who cares!"

And even though I love him, what was up with David Duchovny's shout out to his "wife?" They're married, then he's in rehab for sex addiction, she's smooching with Billy Bob, then they're separated, then he's cured, now they're back together. Being a celebrity is so exhausting.
The Good
I have to say, I didn't have any favorite dresses, but I thought Kate Winslet looked lovely (plus, I love that she won two Golden Globes!) and I quite liked Eva Mendes' Dior dress (not the necklace).

Heath Ledger winning best supporting actor for the Dark Knight - yes, there were a few tears.
Johnny Depp presenting an award... Could he be any hotter??
Tina Fey's acceptance speech for Best Actress where she told all the Tina Fey haters and doubters to go "suck it."
Sacha Baron Cohen presenting an award, but also giving us a bit of entertainment with a few tasteful (some say tasteless) jokes: �But this recession is affecting everyone, even celebrities. Victoria Beckham hasn�t eaten for three weeks. Charlie Sheen has been forced to have sex without paying for it. It�s true. And even Madonna has had to get rid of one of her personal assistants. (pauses) Our thoughts go out to you Guy Ritchie.�
The Ugly
There were a few things that I found horribly inappropriate.
Miley Cyrus (just because I can't stand her. When is her five minutes going to be up!??!).
Beyonce's cleavage. Normally, I love Beyonce's cleavage. But, this cleavage looks like a butt.

Drew's hair. I don't think I need to say any more.

Lisa Rinna. Honestly, she just scares me. It looks like she's wearing a gigantic zipper.
The bad
What in the world was Renee Zellweger thinking when she put this on? It certainly shouldn't have been: "Oh, yeah, this looks hot. I mean, look at me!" It should've been "Hmm. Not quite sure Ursula from The Little Mermaid is a look I should be going for tonight."

"Hi, I'm Brooke Burke! I've had fifteen children and I'm still hotter than you! Hi, I'm Brooke Burke! I may not have the best fashion sense, but I'm Brooke Burke! My boobs just won Dancing with the Stars! I'm Brooke Burke!"

"Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! I like role playing! Stripper, pirate, who cares!"

And even though I love him, what was up with David Duchovny's shout out to his "wife?" They're married, then he's in rehab for sex addiction, she's smooching with Billy Bob, then they're separated, then he's cured, now they're back together. Being a celebrity is so exhausting.
The Good
I have to say, I didn't have any favorite dresses, but I thought Kate Winslet looked lovely (plus, I love that she won two Golden Globes!) and I quite liked Eva Mendes' Dior dress (not the necklace).

Heath Ledger winning best supporting actor for the Dark Knight - yes, there were a few tears.
Johnny Depp presenting an award... Could he be any hotter??
Tina Fey's acceptance speech for Best Actress where she told all the Tina Fey haters and doubters to go "suck it."
Sacha Baron Cohen presenting an award, but also giving us a bit of entertainment with a few tasteful (some say tasteless) jokes: �But this recession is affecting everyone, even celebrities. Victoria Beckham hasn�t eaten for three weeks. Charlie Sheen has been forced to have sex without paying for it. It�s true. And even Madonna has had to get rid of one of her personal assistants. (pauses) Our thoughts go out to you Guy Ritchie.�
The Ugly
There were a few things that I found horribly inappropriate.
Miley Cyrus (just because I can't stand her. When is her five minutes going to be up!??!).
Beyonce's cleavage. Normally, I love Beyonce's cleavage. But, this cleavage looks like a butt.

Drew's hair. I don't think I need to say any more.

Lisa Rinna. Honestly, she just scares me. It looks like she's wearing a gigantic zipper.

Keep smilin... Keep shinin...
Aaron and Craige had a holiday party a few weeks ago and it was a fun night of reconnecting with friends (old and new) and toasting the new year. Some highlights include: an attempt to play Partini (I think this game can only be played drunk), yummy food (holy macaroni and cheese cups!), Kim's hair, impressive drum solos by Alf and Jess (yes, Rock Band 2 was played and played well), and lots of laughter (thanks for being my infectious laugh partner, Meagan).

Experiencing technical difficulties...
So, my goal of blogging more hit a snag last week with our computer having a minor meltdown. We (which means Alf) think we have fixed the issues for now (we keep having the same problems with connectivity). More to come...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Polar Bear Man
This is a great short about something that is a huge issue with global warming right now. You have to watch it from start to finish to get the message, though. It doesn't hurt that my boyfriend, Lee Pace, is in it.
My top five movies
So, after a lengthy discussion over the holidays about our favorite movies (Alf and I both got a handful of DVDs for Christmas), I finally narrowed mine down to five, which was much harder than I thought it would be:
1. Last of the Mohicans
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. It's a Wonderful Live
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Wizard of Oz
Of course, there were many that were in the top five and then moved out at some point during my three day think (Se7en, Royal Tenenbaums, Christmas Vacation, Forrest Gump, Halloween (the original), Reservoir Dogs, Elf, and oh, and I can't forget nor am I afraid to admit Dirty Dancing).
IMDb has compiled a top 250 list, which was very ambitious of them.
1. Last of the Mohicans
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. It's a Wonderful Live
4. Pulp Fiction
5. Wizard of Oz
Of course, there were many that were in the top five and then moved out at some point during my three day think (Se7en, Royal Tenenbaums, Christmas Vacation, Forrest Gump, Halloween (the original), Reservoir Dogs, Elf, and oh, and I can't forget nor am I afraid to admit Dirty Dancing).
IMDb has compiled a top 250 list, which was very ambitious of them.

I don't think I could ever actually wear these, but, oh who am I kidding - of course I could wear these! I'd suffer through ALL the pain that these would surely cause just so my feet could look super saucy. These super hot Giuseppe Zanotti heels are currently featured on Piperlime.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy 2009! It's the month of resolutions... Personally, I hate resolutions. Does anyone ever truly accomplish the resolutions they set for themselves? My resolution this year is to not have any resolutions. However, I've heard quite a few lately that are far too interesting not to share:
Stop sleep eating
Stop picking my toe nails
Cut back on facials
Drink more alcohol
Watch more TV
Stop speeding
Cut back on the amount of macaroni and cheese I eat
Stop showing my butt crack (wear my belt every day)
Stop drunk texting
Do you have a resolution that's a bit quirky??? Do tell!
Stop sleep eating
Stop picking my toe nails
Cut back on facials
Drink more alcohol
Watch more TV
Stop speeding
Cut back on the amount of macaroni and cheese I eat
Stop showing my butt crack (wear my belt every day)
Stop drunk texting
Do you have a resolution that's a bit quirky??? Do tell!
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